History Channel Bias, smartguns, crime


New member
I just got done watching an episode of "Tales of the Gun" on The History Chanel. The subtle bias on this channel never ceases to amaze me.

First of all the episode is titled "automatic pistols" which of course none of the pistols showed were automatic they were all semi-automatic such as the 1911A1, P-38 etc.

We learned on the show how the pistols evolved into "rapid fire" "high capacity" "manstoppers" "favorite of FBIs most wanted criminals" and how "nonregistered" guns "fall into criminals hands"

They even had a freaking video of some felon capping a guy behind a 7/11 counter.

Never mind how many times a good Smith has been used by fathers, teachers, gas station owners, law abiding citizens in general to STOP VIOLENT CRIME.

Then at the end of the episode they went into a 10 minute diatribe about how Colt is producing "smart gun" technology. How this is supposed to be the new greatest thing in gun technology a biometric signal or an encoded transmitter device that would only enable one person to fire a gun.

One more thing to break just when your life depend on it.

What really scares me is that if and when Colt finishes developing this crap and the Feds pass new "smart gun" legislation. Guess who has a monopoly on the gun industry.

Also my guess is once the bio metric device is embedded, your gun will never be able to be passed down to your son through a will etc. without lots of $$ in tax transfer stamps, taxes in general.

Colt is a sellout, and the History channel is one more part of the left wing anti-gun machine that keeps rolling along over all of our rights. When is this going to end?
And what is to prevent the goverment from requesting technologie being produced that can disable the gun remotely by a broadcasted signal that the so called smart gun recieves.....disabling the gun and placing you at the mercy of whomever...can produce the signal..! Hummmmmm.!
I watched the History Channel show on the semi-auto pistols too. I did not think it was an anti-gun piece at all. I thought it was very well done and showed the value of collecting historical arms.

As to the smart guns, the Colt guy was very carefule to say two things that were iimportant about smart guns.

1. He stated that they are developing the gun for one purpose, law enforcement only. I think this is very important because smart guns are not a good idea for personal self defense. They subtle key here is is that smart guns are OK as one of the many options one could use, but should not be mandated as the only type of gun.

2. He stressed many times that this technology was far from being mature and has a lot of bugs to be worked out.

As to personal defense, it was stated more than once that a pocket type semi-automattic pistol is perfect "for a gentleman to carry in his coat pocket for self-defense."

Be careful on picking on the History Channel. The Tales of the Gun series is one of the best allies we have as they portray the gun in its historical setting, showing much of the good and some of the bad. The point being that the gun its self is nuetral, its how its used. I see this series as being very good by showing the many types of guns and thier history in very good light and it will do good to counter the bad in subtle and positive way.

They're suppose to be airing a segment on the Ferguson breechloading flintlock rifle of the revolutionary war era. They borrowed a couple of rifles for the film and shot both quite extensively.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I caught the tail end of that episode last night and I didn't think it was anti. I found it pretty informative and my wife even wound up watching it with me.
She's not much of a gun aficionado but she did ask me several common sense questions about the smart guns possible flaws. Especially the part about jamming them with a TV remote or garage door opener.
She also thought the Walther PPK was pretty "cute". So I guess I know what to get her for her birthday now.
I must disagree with your assessment of The History Channel. I think I've seen every single episode of "Tales of the Gun" and "The Real West" more than once. I can find no evidence of "... the History channel is one more part of the left wing anti-gun machine that keeps rolling along over all of our rights." I have found exactly the opposite.
I'm a huge fan (girlfriend says addict) of the History Channel, and especially the "Tales of the Gun" series. I somehow missed this particular episode, however, every other episode has been very well done, and very even-handed, even the episode on infamous guns (ie the deringer that was used to kill Lincoln). The worst thing I can say about the show is it always leaves me with the "I wants". As a direct result of that show, I really need a Tommy gun, M1 Garand, Luger, BAR, AK-47, AK-74, and on and on.
Well I will say that the sho did seem to me as being a little biased. Did anyone notice all the fake cops shooting there guns over their police cars, they were rapid firing and there was NO Brass flying out of the ejection port