Hip Shooting

I just bought my first cowboy revolver; a Pietta 1873 SAA in 45C.(Its the sweetest gun i ever touched! shoots really straight!) I was wondering if it is a good idea putting on a temporary laser sight when i practice hip shooting. Of course, without fitting any new age weaver mounts on the gun or modifying it.

I appriciate any tips.
hip shooting

I would recomend you buy a 22 cal. single action revolver. Ammo is a lot cheaper. Otherwise you should start at about 3 to 6 feet. And be very sure of what you point your weapon at. When you become comfortable at 6 feet. Move your target back 3 feet. Practice at 9 to 12 feet until you are satisfied with your shooting . This should be the max range for hip or retension shooting. And if you go to a range check the rules before you start this type of shooting. Some will not like it some may not care. And always remember ( STAY SAFE )
Here's a way to practice hip "aiming" without shooting. Stand about 4 feet from a full length mirror. While you look at your image, concentrate on one of the eyes and draw your revolver (unloaded, of course). Point it at the eye of your image you are focusing on. when it feels right, look at the revolver your image is holding. If you are on target you can see the sights are lined up on your eye, the front sight in the rear sight as it should be, only backwards. In some revolvers with a hammer mounted firing pin, you can see the firing pin hole down the barrel of the revolver your image is holding. When the hole is centered in the bore, you are on target. If you are off target, move your revolver while you watch the image's revolver until you can see the sights are lined up on it. You are now accurately, from the hip, zeroed in on the eye of your image. Hold it there for a time to allow your brain to do it's thing, then start again from the holster. You are building muscle memory allowing you to feel your aim going to where you are looking. It works.

Thanks for the tip Steve. And NDN, i really want an identical SAA in.22. But here in Norway we rarely get more than one weapon of each type. Unless we have a well documented reason. Im gonna be careful not to shoot of my foot:D
I would think the funnest way and the way to get instant feedback about the shooting would be to shoot where you can hit in the dirt and actually see where the gun hits. The instant feedback is the best stimuli for the human brain to learn with.