Hip Pocket Training

Okay guys, here's my dilema. I have a bunch of 17-21 year old Army ROTC college students with limited tactical experience and I need something to teach them instead of smoking and joking during our down time in between training events. We only get very basic instruction from the Army, and I would like to augment this with some useful skills. Do you have any suggestions? Anything related to weapon retention/manipulation, body searches, CQB, room clearing, simple takedown moves....stuff like that. Anything regarding M16/AR15 or similar firearms would be helpful since that is what we train with. I would appreciate a good description of your suggestion, something similar to the post about the weapon retention flow drill would be ideal. Also, if you could suggest any credible websites/books/videos would be helpful as well. I appreciate your help.

My knife and rifle are only tools; I am the weapon.

Jim Crews of Marksman Enterprise has put together a great set of training manuals for pistol, shotgun and carbine.

Also, check out www.tactical.dk for a wealth of online "how to run your AR" info. It's put together by a Danish soldier (Keld) and it's very well done.

Work bayonet drill, seriously,not simply as some dumb form of PT. Using your M16 as an impact weapon is a completely valid option in some situations.

Drop me an e-mail and I'll dump some more ideas & sources, if you're interested.

There is a lot you can do if you think about it....

Move tactically in fire team wedges from place to place while in training. Let the other squads move in a gaggle, your's will perform better in the field the next time.

If you have your individual weapons, conduct preliminary marksmanship training i.e. dime/washer drills, target box exercises, mechanical training (assembly and disassembly), try it blindfolded like in the old WWII movies. It works.

If you have your protective masks, work on donning them in 9 seconds. Go to the training aids center at the closest army post, most of them have a walk in "free issue" for the GTA cards etc. Get some armor and aircraft recognition flash cards. Drill your cadets on these tasks.

Go to the . Reimer Training and Digital Library you can find most of wht you'll need there.


Great post Jeff,I use many of these working with my squad. The Reimer site has been a favorite site of mine for years!

Airborne Cadet,

Land Nav, First Aid and D&C. If you plan on going to EIB, EFMB, Ranger or SF or any Military schools, these are basic task that will be used for the rest of your career. I have seen more people fail these schools because they can't use a compass or treat a sucking chest wound. If you need suggestions on individual ARs and FMs let me know I'll hook you up.

Ideas for hip pocket classes

Various classes falling under 3 basic topics: Shoot, Move, Communicate. If you can't do those 3 things, then you are useless.

Weapons safety. Weapons malfunction drills.

Tactical movement. Proper use of camoflage, cover and concealment.

Comms especially. I can't tell you how appalling some peoples comm procedures are. SALUTE reports. Medevac. Call for fire. Hand and arm signals.

Some other ideas for productive use of dead time:

Knots and rope work.
NBC was mentioned and deserves mentioning again.
Wilderness survival.
EPW handling (5S & T). Can combine with Laws of Land Warfare.
etc, etc.

It's only limited by your imagination and experience.