Hip Hugging Paddle or other Removable Holster


New member
Does someone make a holster which fits as tight as a pancake type, but uses a paddle or snap on loops for quick on-off capability. I would like to go OWB as my gut is filling the IWB area!!!

Right now, I'm looking at this from James Dean:

or this from Wild Bill's:

Can you post pics of how your holster fits?
I don't have photos, but in my experience the snap loop stays against the body like a slot pancake. I think it is the tightest, against the body, of any type.

I have not found that the paddle stays as tight against the body. The design permits the gun handle to ride out from the body.

I have both, although not the best of the paddles, and there is no comparison as to which stays closest to the body. In addition, I find that the paddle itself tends to become uncomfortable after several hours as it is not the shape of the body and the edges dig in slightly.

I do not know anything about the James Dean holsters so cannot comment on their quality as compared with 5 Shot, Alessi, Ritchie, TT, or others. All those mentioned are top quality for the snap loop holsters.

Don't forget that you have to access and draw the gun if needed. I do not like high ride holsters as it takes too much movement in my shoulder, and it is harder to get the cover garment clear of the gun.

My other objection is that a high ride holster has a greater tendency to ride out than a low ride holster. I prefer the ride of the Sparks I-BAK.
FWIW, and I know many will disagree, but one should try before he makes a decision.

I have not found a problem concealing a gun under a shirt worn outside the pants using a low ride holster.
