Hillbilly Ambi's Ragged Range Report!


New member
I Hope you fellers can please tell me how well I did - or did not do ... how much work I need , any tips, advice, opinions, comments, suggestions or "other" (and/or ALL OF THE ABOVE) that you may care to add - I'd appreciate!

I simply painted this one-ringed, green bulls-eye "target" real quick on the back/side of this old shack we have here.

F/A: Kel-Tec PF-9 (9MM) - (?) "Mini" Pistol

Distance: (measured) 30 feet (10 yards) - shooting "uphill" - (slight incline - not sure how many "degrees" or "% of grade", but this IS in the "hills").

Grip/Stance: One (right) hand (1-handed "seems" to occur naturally for me - though I'm sure I'd do better with a two-handed, more "professional" ["police/military"??] style).

1 mag. fired (a WHOPPING seven/7 WHOLE rounds - total - haha ).

Not sure what other info might be relevant/pertinent ... ?

The silver marks are where I spray-painted the holes to mark them for the photos and this report. The top right mark/hole was a first, single shot by itself, and then the rest were done rapid-fire... "a group", I guess you call it.

Please keep in mind - this was from 30 feet (10 yards) distance.


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Be safe..... not sure what the status is of the other buildings in your photo. If slug catches a nail or other piece of metal in that shack it could ricochet into the house in the background.

You need scale (hang a dollar bill or similar) in your photo, ....but im pretty sure you can shoot better than that.

At ten yards you should be able to keep all your shots inside a 6 inch circle with almost any ammo you choose. Different guns will shoot different ammo with noticeable differences in accuracy. Better ammo could probably group at 4" or better from that gun. Shoot off some sort of rest (table, car hood, etc.) to eliminate some of the human element if you are comparing ammo.

Use two hands. Use your weak hand to stabilize your grip over your trigger hand.

Squeeeeeeeeeeze the trigger slowly; dont pull/slap/jerk it
Hey thanks much for the reply and tips...I did ask for them, however, "squeeze" is not a problem for me (though quite looooong trigger-pull on this Kel-Tec IS, and there are no "houses" in my backstop here.

The white structure to the left is a root cellar (UN-occupied), and I was really questioned about this on another forum, so I'm going to post more pics here because it bothers me that I am being questioned on it when I'll be 51 years of age next month, and I've been shooting (and shooting better than "average" - for over 40 years). I do have some disabilities now which make it more of a challenge, but I'm working on these issues - hence, my post here.

Perhaps I should have mentioned my physical "issues" (challenges) to overcome, due to spine-defects and multiple spine surgeries (four) which have cost me greatly in my hands/arms and legs. That is why I was asking for tips, and posted here the same "Range Report" that I had posted in a "Disabled Hunters/Shooters" forum.

Thanks again, and I hope the new pics help clear-up the angle I was shooting - and that any ricochet would not be any problem unless it came-back 10 yards/30 feet to hit me (which I realize IS "possible").

Photo #1. EXTREMELY questionable "angle", based-on the angle of the picture.

Photo #2. The actual angle shot...shooting at the "back, right corner" of this old shed/shack.


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Two more Perspectives...

I really hope this (these last two [2] posts by me) will end any "controversy" I may have borrowed/bargained for myself (and which was UN-wanted, and appreciated from a "my Safety" standpoint, but unwarranted from a "actual Safety" standpoint).

Photo #1 here shows a fairly accurate "path" angle (from where the photo was taken to the "back-right corner of the old shack".

Photo #2 shows the distance between the structures, though doesn't account for the angle, which was sufficient/adequate.


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Yup, them's hills awright.
Wish I had some of them in my back yard.
Your angle of shooting looks fine to me.
Although it wouldn't take a huge mistake to hit that house.
But, if the folks who live there don't mind, no one else should, either.

And the group you shot is not nearly as spread out as it looks in the first set of pictures.
Those were taken more square to the corner of the shed than the bullet paths were.
As for adjusting for a disability, have you tried the reverse Weaver grip for handguns?
The support arm is almost straight, like you would hold a long gun, and the primary grip arm is bent.
Bass ackwards from the traditional Weaver.
It feels mighty weird at first.
But it definitely helps creaky, older folks hold steadier and shoot better.
As serious competitors, who are approaching middle age, have discovered.
Do a search on youtube to see what it looks like.
It might just help.
Hey g.w. - thanks ... very much appreciate your reply, but again, sir, I want to say - there were no people...the white building is not a "house", it's our root cellar. It's unoccupied. Just a storage building - that's all it is, and I think the pics I've attached are just not clearly showing the distances and angles well enough to demonstrate that it really would take quite a botched shot to hit anything other than what I was shooting at, and the hillside which was my backstop.

Now...are you saying that because I was shooting at an 'angled target' (shooting at an angle to my target), I should take that into account for my grouping, please?
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Shooting at an angled target will show wider groups when looked at straight on.
When viewed from the same angle as they were shot, the groups will be tighter.
Just plain old high school geometry.
Ok, so we won't sweat the root cellar, anymore.
Of course you could avoid all the criticisms by using a target on a stand, well to the right of the shack.
But then what would we have to complain about.
But do check out the reverse Weaver grip.
It's kept me going past my sell by date.