Hillary's run for the senate


New member
We don't need this anti-gun poster child in the senate so I would suggest that we really support whoever is running against her although she is probably a shoo-in. Funny thing will be that her campaign committee will really be attacking out of state contibutors to her opponent. I guess they will finally be correct about the attacks being purely political. We will be carpet baggers that really have no right to interfer in New York's election. I guess we need to decide if there is a chance of beating her, if not, send our contirbutions to key swing states where they may do some good. The GOP is saying that she will be running as Saint Joan of Arc rather than 'crooked lawyer and politican'. (the last part was really mine) Jim
A friend of mine lives in New Jersey, and I was recently discussing this with him, and he said most of the pro-Billary people are the adoring media and the politicos. He told me that alot of the local thinking was, "Who the hell does she think she is that she can just come in here, boss us around, and expect us to kiss her @ss." Of course, there will always be the easily swayed, but I hope New Yorkers will continue to be their good old "New Yorker" selves until she's a footnote to a tainted administration.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
It's funny that you mention that we would be carpetbaggers. If Hillary isn't a carpet bagger (from Arkansas, running in New York), then who is?
she was a carpetbagger when she was down here in Arkansas. she ain't from here. she's from up narth somewheres. she's just going back where she belongs now...thank goodness!!

fiat justitia
Schumer (AKA Putzhead) got elected because republicans did not show up to vote. He had backing from the teachers unions and other normally democratic supporters. Besides, New Yorkers were tired of Al Damato.

Hillary will get a strong challenge from Rudy Giuliani, who although he is no friend of Gun Owners, is a damn sight more acceptable than Madam Hillary. This is going to be one H**l of a catfight. The carpetbagger tag will probably hurt her, as her strength is in NY City and the city elected Rudy as mayor twice in a row. He has a good record and has turned things around in NYC.

Write your friends and tell them to vote, you would be amazed as to how many people are not registered. Drag them to the voter registration if necessary. New York and California set the tone for the country and we have lost California, we still have a chance here in NY.
Hillary could win.
It wouldn't be the first time New Yorkers elected an outsider to the Senate. They elected Robert Kennedy, originally from Massachusetts, back in the 60's.
Of course, his pedigree was a little better than hers, being the brother of a "martyred" President. I wonder if that scenario has occurred to any of her advisors/accomplices?
NYC has always been a very liberal, union stronghold which would probably support Hillary despite Guliani's (questionable) popularity.
Her ability to carry the rest of the state is doubtful, but she has one of the best political machines in history at her disposal. If she called in all the political favors owed the Clintons in NY, added a little well placed spin here and there, coupled with growing voter apathy, she could conceivably pull it off.
If I weren't already a NYC expatriate, I would be if she were elected Senator.
I have only one very selfish thing to say about Hillery running in New York. SHE AIN'T COMMING BACK TO ARKANSAS!!!!. Just hope that she keeps Slick with her.
Kit in AR
Let me second you on that Kit!!! If we're really lucky, she keep Bill, and he'll be up there too! Maybe we can even vote on taking down them stupid signs you see when you come in the state, or are going into Little Rock or Hot Springs!

fiat justitia