Hillary supporting Obama after throwing in the towel??

I heard she would support him if he'd pay off her 30 million buck campaign debt.

I believe that if she "actively" campaigns for Obama, the agreement is that at least part of her debt will be paid off.
Hillary will not willingly play second fiddle to a mere upstart. There will be trouble from a number of directions. Bill will not sit down and shut up. He will do his policy thing in public. He will do his Clinton thingy with the interns. Hillary can not stiffle her lust for power to be effective as second fiddle. Hillary has an entire domestic and foreign policy apparatus needing work. She will want to seed O'Bama's brain trust with a few of her own cells. She will do all she can to get as much of her agenda in front of the voters as possible. Knowing that she can not achieve the presidency in the next 4 or 8 years I think it entirely possible she will torpedo O'Bama's run for her own purposes.

Yes, I am cynical but that has nothing to do with what Hillary is capable of. Hillary as Veep is bad for O'Bama and bad for America. I can see an administration tied down by internal bickering and policy fights.
Saw the speech. Almost 30 minutes, spent probably less than 5 minutes talking about Barry, the rest of the time she talked about herself, and what she accomplished. Most of the major news folks kept saying she was going to drop out, but everyone knew she was only going to suspend her race. That way, she can keep getting her money back and keep her delegates. If anything happens to Barry, she's technically still in if I understand it. We'll see.
Her Other Option

Hillary can still run for president as an independent. In fact we at TFL should start a letter writing campaign to encourage her.;)
Hillary can still run for president as an independent. In fact we at TFL should start a letter writing campaign to encourage her.

That wouldn't sit well with the McCain haters.:D

The role of the President is to support the political party platform. The President's , he or she, Democrat or Republican, first obligation is to the Party, not the country.

The President is the leader of his, or her, respective Party.
