Hillary silent as Mrs Arafat accuses Israel of poisoning children


Moderator Emeritus
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
J E R U S A L E M, Nov. 11
— First lady Hillary Rodham Clinton,
considering a run for the Senate from New
York, found herself in the middle of a West
Bank political minefield today. With Mrs. Clinton at
her side, the wife of Palestinian leader
Yasser Arafat said in a speech that
Israel had been systematically using gas
to poison Palestinian women and
children. Suha Arafat also accused
Israel of contaminating about 80 percent
of water sources that it provides to
Palestinians with “chemical materials.”
“It is important to point out here the
severe damage caused by the intensive daily use of poison
gas by the Israeli forces in the past years which has led to
an increase of cancer cases among Palestinian women and
children,” Mrs. Arafat said.

Holding Her Tongue
Mrs. Clinton sat stone-faced on hearing the remarks,
which complicate her efforts to court the politically potent
Jewish vote in New York. The reference to gas offended
sensitivities in Israel, home to the largest community of
Nazi Holocaust survivors in the world. The Palestinian first
lady’s remarks drew a swift and angry condemnation from
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak.
But Mrs. Clinton issued only a tepid rebuke, urging
both Israelis and Palestinians “to refrain from making
inflammatory charges or engaging in excessive rhetoric
and to deal with any issues at the negotiating table.”
The ceremony in the West Bank town Ramallah was
intended to commemorate a $3.8 million U.S. grant for
children’s health care in the West Bank and Gaza Strip,
but was used by speaker after speaker to voice
independence aspirations for Palestinians.
In her address, Mrs. Clinton referred to Middle East
peacemaking, including the negotiations on a final
Israeli-Palestinian peace treaty that were launched earlier
this week at the Grand Park Hotel in Ramallah.
“I want to tell you on behalf of the president and his
administration that you can count on the United States and
the strong U.S.-Palestinian relationship as you move
forward on the path to peace,” Mrs. Clinton said. “I am
delighted to join my friend Mrs. Arafat and all of you as
we launch a vital, new partnership to strengthen the
families of the West Bank and Gaza.”
Other speakers urged Mrs. Clinton to remember her
own earlier expressions of support for a Palestinian state,
which she later amended in the face of widespread
condemnation in the American Jewish community by
stressing that she supports Jerusalem as “the eternal and
indivisible capital” of the Jewish state.

American Tourists
Earlier today, Mrs. Clinton and her daughter Chelsea
toured the Wailing Wall in East Jerusalem and visited Yad
Vashem, the Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem.
In memory of the 6 million Jews killed by the Nazis,
Mrs. Clinton tended an eternal flame and laid a wreath
with a red-and-white ribbon at the memorial.
The first lady is on a four-day Middle Eastern tour and
will go on to Jordan on Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. Clinton has dismissed questions about whether
her latest visit to the Middle East is an attempt to boost
her popularity among Jews in New York.
“I’m here as the first lady of the United States,” she
said this morning, “to further deepen the already strong
bonds between our two countries.”

With reporting from ABCNEWS’ Josh Gerstein and
ABCNEWS.com’s Brian Hartman in Washington and
WABC-TV political reporter Dave Evans in the West
Bank. The Associated Press also contributed to this

Typical gutless, cowardly and craven Clintonite...

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
And why the hell isn't Chelsea in school???!!!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Looks like the President of the United States is up to her same old tricks.

I thought Chelsea dropped out of Stanford last year so the family could find closure. . .
Yeah - I'ld like to show them some "closure"!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
It took a lot of courage for Mrs Arafat to knock the Mini State in front of Hillary. The horrible gassing of Palestinians would never have been exposed to the average American in the US media. All is not well in the MiniState with the expose of Israeli transfer of Us technology to her(Isreal) big military trading partner which is good old China:Red china that is. This is a quote from Lt. Col. Terry haverford,retired US Marine intelligence officer who is a technical consultant of a major defense conteactor: "Isreal bvetrayed some of the key assets of our war-fighting capabilities and sold them off to the worldss biggest and most menacing Communist military machine-Mainland China. In October ,the Isreali govwernment used the occasion of a state visit by General Hoatian,Red chinas Defense minisater,to make the technologicalmilitary alliance of the two countries public and official.Gen. Hoatian declared that "he came with 27 aides to do business. Between Un subversion of the US military and the Mini State(ALLY?) selling technology(advanced Us weapons systems and missile tehnology), the future of our security doesnt look good at all. Treason treason everywhere and not a prosecutor in sight.
I would like to see some evidence of this poisoning. It would have been smart if they had it on hand. They could have turned around and handed it to Hillary in front of the press. As it was it looked and sounded like they took advantage of her presence to gain a wider media for some unsubstantianed claims.

Madam Clinton is posturing for her presidential run. Nothing more-nothing less. Sometime in the next nine months she will announce thar Algore doesnt have a chance and to protect the Clinton Legacy she will have to run. With all of her senate campaign money etc. she will woo the electors and even though she doesent get the popular vote, she will be elected by the electoral college.

That is how Democracy works!

Better days to be,

D**n Ed,you really know how to make someone sick. I almost had to puke after reading your very likely scenario.
I believe if you go to the fec site hillary is listed as a presidential candidate. She wasn't the one who did it, but I wonder if she directed someone to do it on her behalf.
I hope she does run for President.

Once and for all the Clinton legacy will be exposed for what it is and there will be the most contentious, polarized, expositive campaign the Republic has ever seen. If she has the ego it will be the doom of current Liberalism.

Let's rock Hillary...show your stones wimp girl

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Yes, well she isn't too popular for her silence over at www.vote.com. Of course, her camp explained that she really didn't comprehend the entire message from Soha baby because it was delivered in Arabic and only roughly translated for Hilly. Yeah, right.

The original point and click was a S&W
Thats why the Founders hated democracies,which what we have now, and knew that a democracy would be the demise of this nation. Those old white boys were on the money nearly 100% only in a` mob democracy would Hillery be elected President.
If Hillary runs for office in New York, it will be interesting to see if the traditionally liberal democrat block of Jewish voters still supports her. While, I am definitely not anti-semetic, I have always been amazed how many Jewish people have historically been too trusting of government.

I will not mince words and express up front that I am a supporter of the Likud Party in Israel. B.B. Netanyahu (or however it's spelled) was a man of character and resolve who would not cower to clinton. Clinton operatives including james carville actually put together a machine in Israel to defeat Netanyahu because he would not play ball.

I hope that if hillary does run for office, the Jewish vote in this nation will realize that she is for the establishment of a Palestinan State in Jerusalem at the expense and detriment of Israel. If history comes into play, they will not until it is too late.

In defense of Israel, remember a few things. First, our own lax security has aided China much more than Israel have could have or ever will provided that it's even true in the first place. Secondly, Israel is one of the few nations that has even attempted to pay us back when money has been borrowed. Truth be known they may have the best record of payment on the books. Additionally, never once has Israel failed to support us with logistics in the Middle East during routine or wartime troop and material movements. Finally, consider the ultimate fate of ALL nations sooner or later that turned on Israel. Read Genesis Chapter 12 Verse 3.If America ever turns on Israel we will fare just as the Arab States did in the Six Day War. (READ EZEKIEL CHAPTERS 38 & 39 COMPLETELY!)

I pull no punches. Hillary Clinton in any major political office spells danger for Freedom as we know and love it in America.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
I bet ol' Vincent Foster is no stranger to that silence, either...

Want to annoy a liberal?
Work real hard, and get real rich!

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
Probably no relation to the mentioned events, but when I was vacationing in Germany in 1977, a shipment of oranges from Israel to Germany were found to contain Mercury in poisonous but non-leathal quantities (brain damage would most likley occur). Someone had been injecting mercury into the oranges. From reading this post I would guess that this is a recurring theme with Israel.

PS, Will Beararms; Americans don't want to destroy Israel. It's just that many don't want any intervention at all that could cost American lives. That "intervention" includes foreign aid. Could the fact that Arab nations have lots of oil, with Israel having none, be an act of God?

[This message has been edited by Frank Haertlein (edited November 19, 1999).]
Frank H:

There are schools of thought that the area where Soddom and Gommarah (or however it is spelled)has more than abundance of crude. Additionally Israel provides a larges percentage of the fruits and vegetables consumed in Europe. Before the Israelites re-inhabited the land God promised to them, no one could get anything to grow in the region.God,as always, fulfilled his promise to make the land lush with vegetation again. As for the mercury, why would Israel want to shoot themselves in the foot by sending tainted produce? Wouldn't an enemy of Israel fare better if Israeli fruit had a reputation for danger? H'mmmm let's see, who would have anything against Israel?

They use Henkel adhesives on a critical part of one of their jet fighters. Henkel is a German Company that operated during WWII. Certainly, if there was a major ant-Germany campaign ongoing,they wouldn't use a German product in a plane vital to their defense.

Why not fight for Israel? They have been loyal to us. If you think the same can be said for Egypt,Jordan,Kuwait or Syria, I haave some things for sale. We fought for Hati and Kosovo---an illegal State made up of Albanians that aided the Nazis in finding our downed pilots in WWII and fought against us and our allies. Saudi Arabia buddied up to us because they were scared to death that Iraq would spoil their party. Why not Israel?

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."