Q & A with Russert this morning included a bunch of slow pitch softball; Kerry's electability, will she run again for Senate, defense of marriage act, the war in Iraq and the most interestig question of all...what about the Democrat's stand on guns?
She answered that the sunset of the AWB combined with Bush's failure to fund programs for more cops on the streets will cause bloody mayhem, that we will return to the violence plagued streets of pre AWB America, that we will see more of the murderous rampages that marked the pre AWB society and that terrorists will take advantage of the ease in which they can obtain assault weapons in this country. She went on to say that she supports the second ammendment, that plenty of people that she represents are still allowed to own their hunting rifles, target guns and collectables but that Bush's promise to renew the AWB and then doing nothing to help it to his desk for signing is a betrayal. She refused to answer Russert's question about whether she still supported Federal registration of owners and purchases.
She answered that the sunset of the AWB combined with Bush's failure to fund programs for more cops on the streets will cause bloody mayhem, that we will return to the violence plagued streets of pre AWB America, that we will see more of the murderous rampages that marked the pre AWB society and that terrorists will take advantage of the ease in which they can obtain assault weapons in this country. She went on to say that she supports the second ammendment, that plenty of people that she represents are still allowed to own their hunting rifles, target guns and collectables but that Bush's promise to renew the AWB and then doing nothing to help it to his desk for signing is a betrayal. She refused to answer Russert's question about whether she still supported Federal registration of owners and purchases.