Hillary - NY Senator


Staff Emeritus
Easy, folks! It's just a lead-in!

How bad would it be to have Hillary as a Senator? Let's share some views, OK? Help me out here.

1) Hillary would replace Moynihan. Minus one Liberal, plus one Liberal = 1 Liberal!

2) As a Senator, she would be in the public eye. We can watch her. If she were behind the scenes, what would she be up to? (Where is "that lady with all the hair" (Ann Richards) these days?

3) Hillary can "team up" with Schumer. Good or bad? If she goes overboard with her agenda, hopefully she would be less "Presidential" than if she were not answerable for her voting record.

Hillary and Herpes! You can't get rid of either one! So how do we best ensure she never goes higher than Senator?
Yeah, I know what you mean. And my daughter and grandson live just north of Syracuse. The lovely NY courts said even though her former husband tried twice to kill her she could not leave the state of NY (with her son).

Don Cicci,
I have always paid you my respects. I have kissed your ring. The American courts have failed me. I am asking the "family" for justice. For the sake of my family, will you help me, Don Cicci?

(the dark side of Grump)
Hillary and Chuckie Schumer would be a disaster for New York. The State was almost ruined by Mario Cuomo (Very Liberal Democrat) when he was Governor and I don't believe that the people of NY will let her become the Senator. The State is just starting to recover under Pataki.

Her only support is among the NY City liberal elite. The real people of NY will see through her and put Giuliani in the Office. (Not that he is any better for RKBA but he is our only hope)

Now if we could only check up on voters in the city, make sure they only vote once and that the dead don't vote, we would win this one!

This is enough to give me Religion!
Supporters of Hilary Clinton in any capacity whatever are beyond my understanding. I've given up trying to comprehend what can possibly be in their minds, assuming that they have minds.
To Jimmy,
I salute your post.
To Hillery: I stick my finger down my throat!

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.

Though some may disagree with me, if one puts ideology aside and looks at facts I believe there is a quantitative and qualitative difference between Moynihan and Hillary. Both Liberal...possibly( I think she is a dangerous facist actually)....Moynihan is liberal, but he is old school and from all I've read he is pretty honest, has some level of integrity and has sincere beliefs. Hillary has none of those qualities. So, I don't believe that its an equal tit for tat replacement.

Ever ask yourself why NY? Why not Arkansas or Illinois? She has never even lived in NY, has no real knowledge of the people and specific needs/problems of NY. So, why NY?

My theory:
1)More nationally powerful than AR or IL; and closer to D.C.
2) A well established and strong liberal tradition...an "established machine"....her people may rightly believe that its better insurance for success for her to just replace a national liberal leader. AR would laugh her out of the state, if they didn't run her off feathered on a rail. IL probably wouldn't be as blatant as AR but I doubt they'd want her either....
3) bogus residency requirement...not enough time to establish real bona fide residency any place other than AR.

"As Senator, we can keep an eye on her"....sorry, not a good enough reason. We have innumerable examples of the lack of accountability of politicos.....ya don't put an arsonist inside a gunpowder factory with a pack of matches, even if said factory has windows in which to watch him

"Team up with Schumer".....bad, bad...go to your room without supper Dennis. Guiliani cancels out Schumer, slows down the momentum and power of NY liberals and liberals in general.

Now, assuming Guiliani doesn't lose his temper and say something stupid, and just relies on his carnivorous instincts....he will destroy her for the carpetbagger she is. I don't believe she could survive brutal NY politics with her skeletons. Guiliani is a smart man and she has so many mistakes, dubious activities, known track record of failure and such that he should make her an unfulfilling antipasti[/]. The NY race will make for some great TV....stock up on popcorn and snacks!

BTW, Il Famiglia does have an eye on her

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I hope to God you are right. Let's pray that the good people of New York do not get what we have in Kalifornia (we have to put up with two liberal nitwit Senators)...

In fact I would like to personally apologize for the socialistic things that my two Senators continually heap upon the rest of the nation. I truely am embarrassed and would never wish this upon anyone.

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.
Thank you, Don Cicci. The Famiglia, can rely upon my services, as always.

I was considering the tit for tat trade without addressing Guiliani's efforts. I hope our, er, "friends" can keep track of Pillory and her actions behind the scenes. Naturally, Don Cicci, I would wish Mr. Guiliani EVERY success.

Your loyal capo, Grump
(This is a heck of a job for an Irishman!)
Gather around the rumor mill for a really juicy tidbit!
Hillary is REAL close to the teachers' unions and, according to "unnamed sources" (giggle) she shares intimate details of, well, you know....
The girls are all saying that they know fer sure that as soon as her political millstone of a husband is out of office, she wants to drop him like the sack of organic fertilizer that he is. Of course, that's ONLY a rumor and you didn't hear it from me, but.... there are already rumors of possible successors to the Hillary Pillory. (tee hee)
Supposedly, HE told HER that as a divorced harlot she would NEVER become the BIG P and she said that with HIS name she wouldn't even become a LITTLE P! (giggle) Isn't this delicious? Ahh, wait a minute, let me change that, "Isn't this FUN?"

Denise (Bobbit) Grump, teacher
We had Hillary on TV here on the weekend, on "60 Minutes". Presented as an in-depth look and a side of Hillary you've never seen (I don't think I want to see that side!!

It was actually a puff-piece, a thinly-veiled electioneering propaganda "interview". The "interviewer" asked all the right questions, and Hillary pushed all the right buttons.

My wife, Di, was quite enjoying it until I told her about Hillary's political aspirations -- then she watched it in a different light. It was sick-making.

If Hillary sticks to the perceived "high ground" and Guiliani attacks "that poor woman", truth and facts may take a back seat to media support. That could make Hillary more viable than we would guess or fear.

All of her past dirty dealings may not weigh as heavily on the sheeple as the burden she's had being married to Bill, the great fornicator.
Well, I'll tell ya Dennis...

From my perspective....she has had more than sufficient evidence that he is a perverted unrepentent whoremonger....long suffering, stand by your man? She has proven herself a whore...she sold her self respect and honor for potential gain. Bill is a compulsive, arrogant slut and there is absolutely no honor nor respect to be gained in that situation.

In my book stupidity is a capital offense, no rewards or sympathy for being stupid nor for being cravenly unprincipled. I truely feel sorry for Chelsea but suspect that the damage is irrepreprable. We have the ability of free choice and we have the Darwin principle

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
So exactly how pompous are you if you decide to run for the Senate, and then have to decide which state you want to represent?

Damn...I couldn't have put it better!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
DC;I used to feel sorry for Chelsea but my better judgement got the best of me. She has known for years what kind of people her parents are. She is trading on it too.

Better days to be,

I heard a blip that put it all in perspective. " Hillary is toying with the idea of running,,,,".

I am not a toy. Neither is anyone else.



She's written speeches for Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush...

But on Tuesday, Peggy Noonan writes the talking points for Hillary Rodham
Clinton's upcoming New York run!

Noonan goes long and deep in Tuesday's WALL STREET JOURNAL with an
editorial that explores how Hillary will talk about the first time she came
to New York, and "saw the glittering towers, and fell in love with the
vitality and energy on the streets, and hoped one day to return...

"'I love New York and I want to be its advocate, to speak for this state in
a national platform and uphold its interests in Washington. But I'm not
gonna pretend I know everything. So I want to hear your concerns, so we can
begin our dialogue.'"

Noonan writes the script:

"There will be a war room -- there is always a war room with the Clintons
-- staffed by spinners. They will tell her to act out humility... Because
Mrs. Clinton is loyal not to place but to position, she will easily make
the leap from patronizing Hot Springs to patronizing Staten Island. She
will hide her condescension well and speak to the locals with warmth and
humor. The old good-natured crowing about how Arkansas has the biggest
watermelons in the country will become new good-natured crowing about the
best cannoli in the world."

Peggy Noonan predicts the media scene surrounding the campaign:

"Intrepid reporters who break from the pack will be reduced to yelling
'What about Juanita Broaddrick?' as Mrs. Clinton hurries by the rope line.
They'll be called hecklers and harassers; NBC, CBS and ABC will do pieces
on 'Hillary Faces the Gauntlet,' taking a wry look at the famously
irreverent New York press. Cut to the guy yelling 'How did you make that
hundred grand?' and then a close-up of Hillary being interviewed by a
sympathetic anchor. She'll say she understands how passionate people get
about politics, but that our political process has gotten uglier, which is
sad. She will be noble. She may bite her lip."

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
So Hillary came to NY and "fell in love with the glittering towers" or some such nonsense. NY State is more than NYC and what is she going to do for the rest of the state besides screw things up like her buddy Schumer.

Someone should take her into the middle of the Adirondacks and drop her off to try to survive on her own. The bears don't vote Democratic.

She can woo Staten Island all she wants, they're all republicans. Her strength is in the other four Boroughs of NYC and "Soccer Mom" Nassau County. The rest of the State will despise her as much as they Despise the Liberals from NYC.

Giuliani is no prize as far as RKBA but he will be a balance to Chuckie Schumer. There is a third possibility, a Republican Congresscritter named Lazio ( Unfortunately he is my Congresscritter) who is to challenge Guiliani. NRA gave him a C- in the last election but I do not think he will beat Rudy.

Oh well, it WILL be an interesting campaign, guess I will have to stock up on Pepcid AC and maybe work for Giuliani. It would be pleasant to see Hillary soundly defeated but NY is chock full of dumba$$ people who have their hands out and worry about our children.

Let the games begin!