Hillary Lovefest in Full Gear


New member
Well, It's started here in NY. The media slugs are falling all over themselves over "The Princess". She had her first "Listening Tour"(I love this newspeak!) of upstate.

One ray of hope I see is many upstaters protesting wherever she shows up. One guy painted "Go Home Hillary!" on the side of his trailer truck.(I love it)Others were carrying carpet and yelling carpet bagger. Gov. Pataki was out trying to rally some opposition to her campaign.

It looks like Giuliani will run on the Republican side. Although no real friend of gun owners, the lesser of two evils.

This is New York State politics, make a choice, bad or worse.

I think I need a new state.(Ugh)
Well, if she is on a "LISTENING TOUR" she does not have to answer questions because she so busy listening.

I swear, everythime I think of them, I think of manila hemp rope and telephonepoles.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
"Listening Tour" my uh ...you know!

They should call it a money raising tour, she will raise plenty of cash and then decide not to run. Then she can keep the money to run for something else and leave the Dumb a crats holding their hats in their hand with no viable candidate. She knows she can raise lots of money in NYC and probably could not somewhere else. I think the libs in NYC know this and really don't care, it is their way of paying back the first couple for service above and beyond for the liberal cause.

They will still have a liberal in the Senate in Giuliani.

Of course if she does run, there is a chance she might get elected. NY has more than it's share of stupid people who only know how to depend on the government for everything, and they all vote! At least the campaign will be the dirtiest and most interesting in a long time.

Either way will be bad for us.

I'm orginally from upstate New York and thought that Hillery would not stand a chance. Thinking that she would carry Manhattan of some of the downstate areas, but never mid and upstate communities, problem solved. Well, with what I've been hearing out of Syracuse and Rochester she may pull it off.

Haven't New Yorkers got it figured out, yet? Governor Mario almost bankrupted the state with his policies. (Unlike the Clintons, I actually believe that Cuomo's heart was in the right place, but his mind was elsewhere). If I was still living in NY, I would be mad as hell and doing everything that I could to defeat the She-Devil. New Yorkers rise up and kick Hillery back to where she belongs, out of your business.

Joe Portale
Expatriot New Yorker
Tucson, Arizona Territory
I just can't conceive that anyone would vote for Hillary. And yet she seems to have at least some supporters. NY must be a very strange place--at least to me.

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited July 13, 1999).]
Residency must be established some time prior to the election in NY state. I do not know the exact time requirements but I will find out.

You cannot move into NY one day prior to the election and vote. But there is enough monkey business going on in the city that it doesn't matter. No one checks to see if the residency is legitimate and I do not even think you have to provide any ID, just fill out a form.

Chichagoans may brag about their legendary vote fraud, but NYC is the real capitol of vote fraud.