Hillary drop out this week?


New member
I hear a rumor this weekend that Hilary Clinton will be packing her bags by Friday. I though it was just an educated guess, but here is a hint that it might be true.


Clinton Clue: Staffers Urged To Turn In Receipts
02 Jun 2008 12:42 pm

Clinton Campaign staffers and former campaign staffers are being urged by the Clinton campaign's finance department to turn in their outstanding expense receipts by the end of the week. That's a sign, to them, that the campaign wants to get its affairs in order soon. If Clinton were staying in the race, there'd be no real reason to collect these receipts now; she'd still be raising and spending money from the same primary campaign account. The campaign is in arrears to the tune of about $11 million.
The democratic party HQ has asked all undeclared super-delegates to make a decision by Wednesday. If they do then it's bye-bye Hillary.
I wouldn't count on it necessarily being Hitlary to be the one on the short end. There's a lot of strings that can be pulled still and threats you know she'll make.
I don't think she'll drop out soon, as all indications have this going to the official nominating convention. I think she's running at this point to make it much harder for Obama to get into the White House. After all, if Obama wins, her next shot at the White House won't be for eight more years. If he loses, she can run again in 2012.
+1 Milemission.

People have been predicting Hillary's imminent exit for several months now. I wouldn't count on it. At this point, it really doesn't hurt her to stay in.

No matter what happens, the enmity between her and other factions of the Dem party isn't going to change much. If Obama wins the general election, she can claim that she helped "toughen" him for winning, and her chances for 2012 aren't any worse than they are now. If Obama loses the general election, she can claim that she warned everyone, and her chances for 2012 are better than they are now. If she somehow manages to get the nomination by pushing Obama aside, she has her shot at winning the general election this year rather than waiting until 2012.

Plus - and I really hate saying this - she has a pretty good argument on her side. She's kicking Obama's butt in the nomination process at a time when the "presumptive nominee" should be rolling up the remaining delegates. Also, she has 1916 delegates to Obama's 2073, which means a) neither candidate has the required 2118 to win, so since no one has won, there's no reason to quit; and b) 157 delegates separate them, which is less than 8% of the total needed to win.

Finally, she has publicly announced too many times to her supporters that she isn't going to quit. To now do so would be devastating to her base, which she will need in the future no matter what path she chooses.

It ain't over until the pantsuit lady sings, and she's not singing yet.
It is amazing how fast the party kicked her to the curb but she is low on the minority ladder and in far left thinking that is far more important.
Hillary will NOT quit.

I need air to live. She needs power to live. She may cut a deal to pay off her campaign debts, but just do not see her walking off. How she snookers O'Bama into paying her bills then snaking him for the nomination will be worth the price of box seats. O'Bama will not win against McCain. McCain and Hillary will be a contest.
I would be surprised if Hillary drops out with the delegate count so close. Certainly she has had investigators dig up dirt on the state "pledged" delegates, the super delegates and on Obama. she will pressure them, possibly have leaks to the press, and if she loses she will release everything, probably to sympathetic press outlets instead of McCain. She can't count on McCain to reliably put Obama out for the count. McCain is so unreliable that he could accept the VP slot to Obama just to twist the knife in the backs of the anti-Marxists...again.
I can see it now...a McCain-Hillary ticket

Yeah, Hillary can go for the conservative vote and McCain can go for the liberal votes...no wait....reverse that. No wait, now I am confused, I forgot which one is Conservative/liberal?:eek:
After all, if Obama wins, her next shot at the White House won't be for eight more years.
Sure, I can see it now. IF all the planets align, and Obama get's elected, it'll be like watching Carter all over again. "Sir, the Iranian's have taken our people hostage! What do we do?" "Send in our Marines! No, wait, don't! Yes, send them in! No, don't! Where's Betty? I need a peanut!"