Hillary, Cronkite call for World Gov't

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Hee hee http://www.worldnetdaily.com/bluesky_lamb/19991109_xchla_hillary_cr.shtml
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>

By Henry Lamb
© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

Where was the mainstream news media when Hillary
Clinton introduced Walter Cronkite to the World
Federalist Association on Oct. 19? Television cameras
focused on Hillary's baseball cap; it is far more
important that voters know where she stands on the
issue of national sovereignty. Not until WorldNetDaily
reported the Cronkite speech Nov. 30, did Americans
discover that both Hillary and Walter are avid
advocates of world government.

Cronkite says, "democracy, civilization itself, is at
stake," unless the "basic structure of our global
community" is changed in the next few years. Cronkite's
appeal for world government came only five days
before the release of the Charter for Global Democracy
which embodies the version of world government
preferred by the United Nations Association.

Both the UNA and the WFA have been promoting
world government for years. Cronkite's group, the
WFA, prefers a "federalist" system which would create
a weighted system of voting in the U.N. General
Assembly to create a legislative body roughly akin to the
American Congress. The UNA prefers a "consensus"
process that takes into account recommendations
offered by civil society (non-government organizations
accredited by the U.N.).

Both organizations want to elevate the U.N. to world
government status and empower the U.N. to enforce all
international law. In fact, in 1986, the WFA filed suit
against the United States over U.S. foreign policy,
arguing that Article VI of the U.S. Constitution made the
U.N. Charter as well as other U.N. treaties, the
"supreme law of the land." The courts ruled against the
WFA in 1989.

Hillary's presence at the WFA meeting, and her
introduction of Cronkite, directly aligns her with the
world government movement, and particularly with the
WFA's world government aspirations.

Cronkite called for the "revision" and limitation of the
veto power of permanent members of the U.N. Security
Council. The Commission on Global Governance and
the Charter for Global Democracy call for the
elimination of both the veto and permanent member
status on the Security Council. This latter
recommendation will be presented as the needed
"reform" to the Millennium Assembly next September.
Cronkite's more timid approach, as well as his
"federalism" ideas have been overwhelmed by the
U.N.'s "consensus" process now on a fast track toward

Cronkite called for the immediate ratification of a
laundry list of U.N. treaties, including the infamous
Convention on the Rights of the Child; the Convention
on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against
Women (CEDAW); and, "most important," Cronkite
says, the International Criminal Court, which empowers
the U.N. to prosecute American citizens whether or not
it is ratified by the Senate.

Hillary made her support for these positions clear when
she attended the U.N. Beijing Conference on Women in

Cronkite said in order to achieve world government,
"Americans will have to yield up some of our
sovereignty." He said, "the notion of unlimited national
sovereignty means international anarchy."

Under the world government scheme embodied in the
Charter for Global Democracy, any individual nation
could wield only the power assigned to it by the U.N.
National armies would be disarmed to the level of a
national police force. The U.N. would maintain a
"directly recruited" standing army under the direct
authority of the U.N. Secretary-General. Private citizens
would be disarmed, and the U.N. would control the
manufacture, sale, licensing and distribution of all

To finance this expanded world government, the U.N.
would be given the authority to impose taxes on the
exchange of currency, on the use of resources, including
the air, outer space, and the seas. Taxing authority is
seen not only as the source of unlimited revenue, but
also as a way to force a reduction of natural resources,
especially fossil fuels, water, trees, and minerals.

Like the Clinton administration, and other world
government advocates, Cronkite demeans opponents.
He says that like America's rejection of the League of
Nations, current opposition to world government is "led
by a handful of willful senators who choose to pursue
their narrow, selfish political objectives at the cost of our
nation's conscience."

He goes even further to single out the "Christian
Coalition and the rest of the religious right wing" as the
culprits who have kept the world in a state of sovereign
anarchy and prevented the emergence of a "civilized
force of law" administered by the United Nations.

The fact that people of the stature of Hillary Clinton and
Walter Cronkite are now willing to publicly advocate
world government is an indication of their confidence
that the world is now ready to accept their plan. World
government is no longer the exclusive domain of the
"black helicopter crowd." Finally, the sinister plans to
rule the world are being exposed by those who expect
to rule.

The timeline is, indeed, short. After decades of silent
and denied preparation, the United Nations has made
public the millennium year agenda which is crowned by
the largest gathering of heads of state in the history of
the world next September.

World government, called "global governance" by the
U.N., will not occur on any certain day. It is a process
that has been underway for years. The Millennium
Assembly and summit next September, with the
adoption of the Charter for Global Democracy, is seen
to be the point from which there is no turning back.

The only way to stop world government at this late date,
is for the American people to send a government to
Washington in the next election that can muster the
courage to just say, "No."

Henry Lamb is the executive vice president of the
Environmental Conservation Organization and
chairman of Sovereignty International.


"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
What ever happened to "By consent of the governed?"

"the International Criminal Court, which empowers the U.N. to prosecute American citizens whether or not it is ratified by the Senate."


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
What's really, really, interesting is you mention this kind of stuff to some people (even some on this board) and the immediate response is to poo-poo the idea that there are powerful groups, organizations and individuals whose sole purpose is to bring about Global Govt.

How much evidence do some people need? The Globalists don't even bother to conceal this stuff anymore. Oh well, one day your airgun will be registered with the UN and you'll have to store it safely at an approved range and everyone will say "how did we get to this place where some third-world UN Bureaucrat has so much control over my life?" And it will be a complete mystery to 85% of the people.

"Put a rifle in the hands of a Subject, and he immediately becomes a Citizen." -- Jeff Cooper
Being nowhere as articulate as others on this board, I am taking a chance at being flamed and burned. I believe a single world government would be terrific, because I could supposedly do some real, unfettered travelling - but WAIT; I just don't believe it will work -at all. Especially since we of the United States of America will have to (1)lower our standard of living, (2) give away our freedoms 1-10, and (3) have to put up with the Clintons saying 'I told you so'. As I stated, it won't work due to the variations of religions, cultures, etc. Working without the freedoms we enjoy here, look at what conditions that other countries are in. Now, if everyone else in the world is willing to "put up" with our freedoms -(can you see China's and Iran's leaders doing this?)- then I say, 'let's give it a shot.' But it won't work. Evidently these globalist folks just can't see the fact that people all over the world are trying to get out of their own country and dying -literally- to get into OURS. Even so, the globalists are willing to take our inalienable rights, given to us by our creator, in order to bring us down to the level of subjects instead of citizens. My friends, I wrote this on the spur of the moment, so please forgive me if I am not clear. I'm always willing to discuss matters, and I'm open to other suggestions, but I'm an ornery cuss and it may take a sledgehammer to convince me otherwise. This is just a simple rant, so if I left anything out, will you, my friends, give me a hand? Thanks. Keeping my powder dry. TMoney
Just received my Jan 2000 issue of Popular Mechanics (actual pro-gun non gun related magazine!) and they asked somewhere around 50 famous people what they think the world will be like in 100 years. Kronkite was one of the respondents. He re-iterated the world gov't idea as did several others.
Sounds like a buncha Woodrow Wilson wannabes...

I have only one further comment, "Arseh@le$!"

Oh, yeah, "Time to lock and load!"

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1785
"democracy, civilization itself, is at stake,"

I don't know what definition of democracy Walter is referring to, because it's obvious to me that it's not the same one I use.
This fantasized world government would be a democracy in name only, and like everything else that issues from the lips of a clinton, it would be the mother of all lies.
The only people engaging in any semblance of democracy would be the power elite, after they sell the rest of us out.
Their idea of "civilization" is to make sure they feather their own nests while the rest of us are reduced to mindless, obedient drones, eking out an existence controlled by these benevolent overseers from cradle to grave.
I believe that there can be a global government one day. But it will be based on equals coming together willingly, each bringing their own gift to the union. Not a forced coalition of haves and have-nots, played off against each other by the masters of deceit.
Their plan to save democracy and civilization will rob us of the former and destroy the latter.
Some particularly apropos lyrics:

"Look around this world we've made
Equality our stock in trade
Come and join the Brotherhood of Man

"What a nice contented world
Let the banners be unfurled
Hold the Red Star proudly high in hand..."

Neil Peart, "2112"

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
I am like TMoney and believe that a one world government would be a good thing. So would full employment, no disease, no poverty, no hunger...(pick your problem)

Only communists, socialists and dreamers believe that this could happen in the near future. One reason that OWG would not work is the planet does not have a common language, culture or economic base. Most of the governments calling for a OWG are close if not full blown totalitarian states that see the wealth that could be raped from the rest of the world. And they are all positioning to be the head cheese of the whole shabang.
Look at how hard it is to pull together a military coalition in the face of a real regional/global threat. If Uncle Sam wasn't standing there with the checkbook in hand, nothing would have gotten done during the Gulf War or that latest Klinton screwup in the Balkins. We produce globalists because our system allows for free thought. There are many free thinkers pushing up daisys in great democracies like Mexico, El Salvadore, Chile, China, Russia and the rest of the fools parade of third world countries that want to be important.

I think that the late General Omar Bradly had it right when he advised President Carter to tell the world to "Sit down, behave and shut up! When you've grown up, we'll talk."

Joe Portale
Sonoran Sidewinder
Tucson, Arizona territory
Does anyone else out there believe, as I do, that Clinton has aspirations to become the Secretary General of the UN.

This guy craves being in the limelight, and won't sit still after he leaves the White House. He definitely will not play second fiddle to Hillary if she gains a senate seat.

Could this be why he is travelling all over the globe, sucking up to the Chinese, but ignoring Taiwan and Korea?

Bill Clinton, first leader of the world government!

Geoff Ross
I wouldn't worry too much about Der Arkanfuhrer. I don't think he'll survive more than about a year after he leaves the WH. He has made WAAAAAAYYYYY too many MORTAL enemies out of honorable ex-military (who took the oath, and take it seriously), as well as many, MANY "regular" people, who feel he's a traitor to our country.

Once he leaves the security of his WH fortress, I think somebody'll pick him off.

My opinions only.


I do not personally advocate the assassination of any state/world leader, nor do I harbor such intent personally.

(Hope that's good enough....)
Dennis...after he leaves the White House he will still be protected by the secret service, and we will still be paying for his security!

Don't think we will get rid of him that easily, he will be around for many years. I personally would rather see him embroiled in lawsuits for the rest of his life than become a martyr.

Of course if he becomes world dic... er leader as secretary of the UN he will have more security (Probably paid for by US).

Geoff Ross
"On the radio talks shows & TV
you hear one thing again & again
how the USA stands for freedom
& we've come to the aid of a friend

well, who are these ones we call our friends
these governments killing their own
when a people finally can't take any more
and they pick up a gun or a brick or a stone

& there are lives in the balance"

Jackson Brown (paraphrased, uhm ... today ;-)

The only thing good out of a world gov't would be to see Der Slickmeister hauled into world court for crimes aginst humanity - Kosovo, the pill factory, shall I go on? - without mention to the dirty deeds done dirt cheap to his own countrymen(& women)

Can you say Evil Empire?

& please, let's remember that we do not have a democratic form of government. It's a Constitutional Republic. Any questions on that & we should start a new topic.

we gladly feast on those who would subdue us
K80 Geoff,

There is a worse nightmare than Bill Clinton as Secretary General of the United Nations. Picture Hillary as ...(argh! I just can't say it!)

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited December 13, 1999).]
Mebbe he should change his name to Walther Kronkheit! as chief propaganda ossifer to Der Arkenfuehrer!

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1785
Dennis...I HAVE pictured Hillary as Senator many times. It is not a pretty picture, and would be a sad day for my State if she is elected.

Big G we already have a chief propaganda minister, his name is Cpl Q Ball. And he is working for Hillary on her campaign!

It is a sad day when I have to vote for a liberal like Rudy Giuliani just to keep Hillary out of NY and the Senate.

Have to leave, got to buy some Tagamet and antacids...stocking up for Y2K you know.

Geoff Ross
Kronkite is a has been windbag and Hillary is a carpet bagger need I say more.Even though there are those working towards a global order I don't think it will ever happen. People here are to use to their freedoms and the people emigrating here remember all to well how ****ty it was from where they came. I do have a little faith in the American people?

Help Stamp Out Gun Ignorance.
Okay. I have my jock strap (with cup), lumbar support belt, arch supports, Nomex undies and ankle-length helmet. Here we go...

Picture Hillary Clinton as SSS... SSSS...
Secretary General of the United Nations!

(whimper. It hurts... YOU made me say this!)
The easy thing to do would be just to sluff off the casual reference to somebody assassinating Clinton.

Yes,the reference was made while disclaiming in BOLD type any advocacy of the idea. But simutaneously adding a disclaimer to the disclaimer ("Hope that's good enuf").

And basing the prediction on the fact that honorable soldiers who take their oaths seriously are among those likely to do what the author doesn't have the candor to acknowledge he hopes for.

I take a back seat to no one in my contempt for Clinton, but this kind of unthinking post damages the name and objective of every person associated with this board.

I can't be the only person here who finds this post grossly irresponsible.