Hillary Clinton ... the liar or the idiot?

Jeff Thomas

New member
I found this from a link on the Drudge Report - http://www.drudgereport.com . Her article currently comes from http://www.creators.com/opinion/pundits/cli.asp . I've inserted some comments, in bold - take your own 'shots' as appropriate, if you can stomach it. ;)

By Hillary Rodham Clinton

This past Monday, students and teachers at Columbine High School returned to class, 17 weeks after two teenage boys walked calmly into the building, and armed with automatic (Really? Automatic firearms? Wow! That is news! Before this, we just thought they had a semiautomatic pisol, carbine and two shotguns ...) firearms and homemade bombs, killed 12 students and a beloved teacher.
One month later, on the very day that the President and I traveled to Colorado to meet with members of the Littleton community, a 15-year-old in Conyers, Ga., opened fire at his high school. And last week, the nation was stunned yet again, when a man, apparently wielding a submachine gun (Oh, Hillary, there you go again. Didn't he simply have a semiautomatic rifle and handgun? But, these distinctions don't matter do they? Unless of course you're trying to convince people we need to ban or control things that have actually been heavily regulated since 1934 ... ), murdered a post office employee, and then, turned his hatred on three children, a teenage camp counselor and a receptionist at a Jewish community center in Los Angeles.

Each time a child is the victim of gun violence, it shocks our national conscience and shakes our national confidence, for the safety of our children is our single most important responsibility. Neither gun violence nor hate crimes have a place in our society. (Well, at least you're right on this one. But, defense with guns certainly has a place, assuming of course that you really do care about 'the children'.)

As I have traveled around the country in the weeks since the Littleton tragedy, talking with students and their parents, it's not helplessness or despair I've heard, but rather a clear and forceful determination to end the violence that threatens our children.

Let me share with you part of a letter I received shortly after the Colorado shootings from a seventh-grader I met in Buffalo, N.Y. She wrote: "Violence is all around me. There are gangs in my neighborhood. Because of this, I am not free to ride my bike around the block. My mother fears for my life every time I leave the house. I have gotten used to it, because violence has been a part of my life since I was a child." She concluded with this: "I believe the children are the future, but if we stay on this road of violence and destruction, our children will lose all hope for tomorrow."

The President and I are determined not to let this child, or any other child, lose hope.

After Littleton, the Senate passed tough new provisions, proposed by the President, that would have strengthened our gun safety laws. But even these most common-sense of measures -- measures that in no way would have restricted the activities of honest and legitimate gun owners (Well, well ... if they really don't, then why are so many gun owners up in arms about this foolishness? How pompous.) -- were blocked by House members who, apparently, were more interested in the approval of the National Rifle Association than in the safety of our children. (Don't forget that the NRA is actually a huge grass roots organization. It has members who are individual American citizens. We're not just talking about a lobbying effort run by 3M or Chase bank.)

The failure of Congress, though, has not deterred action on other fronts. On May 10, less than a month after the shootings at Columbine, the President and I hosted a strategy session at the White House to talk about solutions to youth violence. (As I recall, no pro-RKBA groups were invited. Surprise!) At the end of the day, we united behind the idea of a national campaign against youth violence. And this week, the President named an executive director to head the new nonprofit, nonpartisan organization.

As part of the campaign, the President challenged the entertainment industry to do its part to combat youth violence. (Well, Hillary, I don't think they'll be able to squeeze much time out for this. They're pretty busy signing newspaper ads suggesting we trash the Constitution ...) This week, television executives responded with a sweeping new anti-violence public-service advertising campaign that every major television network and more than 20 cable channels will air during prime time. The ad features the President and children talking about the need for parents to communicate with their kids about violence.

Of course, no ad can make every parent talk with every child about violence, but each of us has a responsibility to do what we can. This is an important commitment on the part of the television industry, and it will have a tremendous impact. (I'm on the edge of my seat with anticipation. I'm sure we won't recognize this country in a few more years. But, I'm not sure that will be because of your ads.)

As our children return to school, they will probably be worrying about things like remembering their new locker combinations, winning a part in the school play or the band, making a sports team, and, of course, getting good grades. What they should not be worrying about is becoming the victim of gun violence in the halls of their schools or on the streets of their neighborhoods. (So, if you really give a damn, why don't you tell your hubby to try enforcing the firearms laws he already has at hand? But of course, that's not really the point, is it? You lying commodity trader ... )

Before another child dies in a tragic shooting, let's translate our shock into action. Let's reach out to young people, and let them know that they can talk to their parents if they are scared or see problems developing in their schools. Let's provide more help and counseling for angry and alienated kids. And let's take guns out of the volatile mix that makes up our children's daily lives.

Let's give our children back their childhood.

If you'd like a free booklet on talking with children about violence, you can call 1-800-CHILD44 (1-800-244-5344), or visit this web site: www.talkingwithkids.org.

Originally Published on 8/18/99


The emotions don't bother me at all, and certainly the desire to protect children is great. So, why do flakes like this feel a desperate need to lie through their teeth about guns? I don't believe for one moment that Ms. Clinton doesn't know the technical differences between the firearms actually used in these crimes and the firearms she discusses. I can't read this kind of thing without concluding that the woman, like her husband, is a pathological and scheming liar who is willing to say or do anything to advance her political agenda.
Let's see, now, she could just claim ignorance if confronted, right? Real fine plan, except that those guys who hang out on either side of her constantly do IN FACT have submachine guns under their jackets, and can certainly explain to her the differences during a single taxpayer-funded flight to NY for her to campaign.
Idiot? Hardly.
Liar? Foregone conclusion.

My question is, "Does the existence of Hillary Clinton prove there can be more than one antichrist?"