"Highly likely ... germ or chemical attack" - what to do?

Jeff Thomas

New member
As has been noted elsewhere on this forum, Billy Jeff was quoted on 1/21/99 as saying it is "highly likely" that a terrorist group will launch or threaten a germ or chemical attack on U.S. soil. OK, let's take Billy at his word - pretty strong statement, although 'threaten' probably already has applied. The legal / political implications of that interview are being discussed elsewhere in this forum - so what about the practical implications?

I'm not going to stay up nights over this, and I realize there might not be enough notice to take any effective action. However, as a civilian I would like to consider how I would handle this potential threat.

My first thought would be to exit the area, but that would be everyone else's as well. And, if we can't evacuate the scene, our weapons and training won't do us much good against germs and chemicals. [When I was a kid we had a neighbor who built a bomb shelter in his back yard. My Dad thought he was nuts, but changed his mind in later years when he read the details of the Cuban missile crisis.]

So, is there anything civilians can consider in such a situation? Is there a source for reasonably priced gear that would provide reasonable protection to oneself and family members? How would you know that gear is any good? I've heard that you can get anthrax vaccinations - true? And, we've all seen examples of the military gear used during Operation Desert Storm. Or, considering the incredibly low odds of such an occurence, is it simply a waste of breath to even consider any response?

I'll apologize to Rich up front if this is too far out - it certainly feels far out to me. But, Billy started this ...

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited 01-24-99).]
Its pretty hard to protect against Jeff..

Unless you live in the proper protective gear, you could already be exposed. In the case of biologicals, a properly executed attack wouldn't be known till folks start dying. Vaccinations are specific and you wouldn't know what was being used....say you vaccinate for antrax and smallpox is used.

Certain chemical agents kill almost instantaneously.

Where you live and work is likely the best protection: rural vs urban; a big splash target vs a no publicity thing; population density, etc.

To justify the risk, the terrorist would likely hit a high splash urban target with high population density instead of a small farm town.

Its a political motivation, thus its highly unlikely that they would hold a low yield target hostage or make an example with a threat for higher casualties later. They'd just do it big without warning.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
So, DC, you think they'd look at me a little askance in the office if I showed up in pinstriped chemical / biological clothing? I'll bet it is a PAIN to find a tie that will go with that styling. ;)

I try to ask / consider questions that seem to be impossible. Often I am surprised at what is possible. While I certainly couldn't disagree with what you said, it seems plausible that you could be in, say Oakland, and hear a news report that people were mysteriously falling in downtown S.F. If such a tragic event ever occurs, there will be people on the periphery of the impacted area. Whether they would hear about the event in time to take action is the dilemma.

I did find a couple of interesting links:
Chemical & Biological Info Analysis Center (CBIAC) http://www.cbiac.apgea.army.mil/ , and
U.S. Army Soldier and Biological Chemical Command (SBCCOM) http://www.cbdcom.apgea.army.mil/ .

Some of the links within those sites don't work, and perhaps that is due to security and not poor site administration.
Well as a civilian you (we) are basicly out of luck to an extent. The powers that be are first going to try to figure our if it is chemical or biological. If it is chemical try to disperse people and get them out of the area. If it is bio then contain everyone because they could be a infected. DC got the rest. As for protective gear, well you more than likely won't have the warning to use it anyway.

Actually, I'm finding quite a few resources on the 'net about this issue - check FEMA and http://home.eznet.net/~kenberry/ for example. And, the DOD has been immunizing their troops against Anthrax for some time - takes about 6 shots over 18 months, with annual boosters. I'll research this little curiousity on my own, but it does appear there are at least a few steps civilians could consider. However, I would agree that, in general, it's usually the old 'bend over and kiss your sweet a** goodbye' strategy. ;)

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited 01-25-99).]

As an active-duty member of the U.S. Army, I came to the conclusion many years ago that, in the event of a chemical attack, your best bet is to take a deep breath and not worry about it! The bottom line is that unless you are in FULL protective gear when you are hit, you WILL be contaminated. Period. As someone else has already pointed out, some of these agents (most of them, actually) work so quickly that by the time you realize you have a problem, your problem is solved. Permanently. Even if you are in full protective gear, getting out of the stuff without contaminating yourself is ALSO a major problem. It may be a fatalistic approach, but worrying about getting slimed by chemicals will only give you gray hair. Your time would be better spent being concerned about something that probably WILL happen and that you can do something about, such as Y2K...

I have to agree with what Mossy said, for the most part.

If anyone can point to a situation where a civilian population that was equipped with proper masks was helped in any significant way when attacked with chem/bio agents, I'd love to hear about it.

My wife, who has 0 experience with Chem/Bio gear, seems to think that If we have 6 masks and a few extra filters in our house, we'll be magically saved from certain doom. She doesn't take into account the fact that no mask available would obtain a good seal on our 3 year old daughter, nor would she be able to cope with wearing one if it did. Furthermore, even training, under practice conditions, most military personel can't get their masks on, sealed and cleared in time to actually help them if they are in an attack area.
Your best bet is to live away from large population centers and move upwind of any area that you hear of being attacked as soon as possible. Masks might be helpful if you anticipate being the target of a gas attack (even tear gas), but are going to be of little value in the event of a terrorist action (especially if they are kept under the old towels in the garage or some similar location.)

One thing my wife and I agree on is that if you take the time and effort to equip with and train your family in the use of this gear, keep it to yourselves, and tell your kids to do the same. At least two gentelman who lived through the back yard fall-out shelter era have told me of stories like this one: "My dad never bothered building one, because he knew that the SOB acrossed the street had one big enough for our family but they didn't have guns."
Not realistic? hmmmm, what would you do to keep yourself or your children alive?

Do the same thing we were instructed to do in case of an atomic attack. If you have time...bend over, put your head between your legs and kiss your a** good by!
Anthrax vaccinations...don't get me started. They are indded innoculating US Troops against it because it is one of the bioagents of choice...cheap, hearty, easily dispersed, deadly.

Unfortunately, *you and I* can't get vaccinated, no matter what we do. The sole source of vaccine is the CDC. They will not release it to a physician unless it is for a patient who works in a lab atmosphere and is subject to infection.

Guess it wouldn't be egalitarian to allow those willing to pay to receive a vaccine.
Anthrax vaccinations? I wouldnt wish that on my sister-in-law! The US government decided it would be in their best interest back in 90 to be innoculate my unit- I've been sick ever since. Instead of getting "the shot", I'd advise to wait for the attack and then take a real deep breath- least its quicker that way. --01paw