High Standard Duramatic

Mike Root

George I picked up this High Standard at a gun show for maybe too good a price. It shoots a foot high at 20 feet. How tight is the takedown nut supposed to be? Can I have it too tight? I'm going to loosen it up and try that tomorrow. Mike Root
Mike, I don't know that there is a limit to the tightness. Does it group well? You might give a look to the crown. If it does group good you can deepen the rear notch and file down the rear sight if yours isn't adjustable or if you've taken it as far down as it will go. George

I've used a nickel (maybe it was a penny) to tighten mine It didn't hurt anything, but I don't think it's necessary.

You might want to check real good in the area where the barrel mounts down on the frame and make sure there isn't a small burr or piece of trash lifting it at the front. I suppose that would hinder chambering, but it's worth a look.

Gun Parts Corp has six inch barrels if you're interested. About $65. Mine came without a front sight though, and I had to make one. I just copied the pattern on the four inch barrel. 'Haven't shot it with the new barrel and sight yet.

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited March 15, 2000).]
This is an interesting question, and the answer isn't as obvious as at first might appear. The HS barrel sits in what is essentially a V-block frame, with the front sight on the barrel and rear on the slide. A burr on the frame in front of the attachment point would effectively tip the barrel up, which should raise POI; but it also raises the front sight, which would tend to compensate. The reverse for a burr which tipped the barrel down, behind the attachment screw. What seems obvious...bent barrel causes group movement...on closer examination becomes much more complex. I'd remove any burrs, on principle, but I'd also be prepared to replace the front sight with a higher blade. On a used gun, it's a good bet that someone tried to 'adjust' a high-grouping gun by filing down the front sight, which of course is just the opposite of what should be done. slabsides