High speed ballistics - Directing blast different ways


New member
There is one thread with mostly handgun stuff:

But we have started a bit bigger project with rifles and I thought to start new thread for it. Idea is to visualize how different compensators direct gas and how they work. So here it goes.


First we need a plain barrel base line and in this case it is done by .223Rem rifle. It happens to be AR but in generally type of the gun doesn't matter.


These pictures are from separate shots and are timed within 500 us time frame. Nice round blast pushing the gun backwards :)

Additional material such as stereoscopic 3D can be found here under rifles:

As you may guess next we put something there to disrupt that ball of gas. Stay tuned :)
Nice timing :)

We did some testing back in 2006 but noticed that to get flame visible we had to use ammo with great flames. Lake city NATO round was especially good at that time. But with huge flame fine details got lost and we practically shot only flame. Cameras have evolved of course since then.

What I mean is practically this. In the middle you can see glowing gas but most of the gas isn't actually in fire. This is stereoscopic 3D so you can get pretty good image how the blast has been formed if you can look it by cross eye method.

Nice hollow space in the middle :)

Ps. missed the videos first time - nice :)
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These are the Strike Industries comps to be photographed:


They all are slightly different form each other so results should be interesting. Especially that one on the top (Fat Comp 01) should make pretty good pictures :)
Ok now you have just impressed the HECK out of me, the cross eyed suggestion WOW, now I have to go back and look at your other great thread.
I'm happy that you like it :)

Here is a small teaser for the coming material. Rest is not ready so I can't post more yet.

Japan Type89 Comp, Bullet has almost left comp and gas is bursting past it.

Enjoy :)
Excellent photography!

It is not often that we can sit and study the effects of the burning powder like that.

It is interesting to see the blowby of the gas past the projectile and the pressure wave (I presume) of the air in the barrel getting pushed out.
Wow, just wow! The last two pics are absolutely amazing when you look at them in the 3D cross-eyed method. Thanks for these pics!
Hi guys,

Full set of Checkmate comp is online.

Although the comp blast seems to block line of sight much more than plain barrel it actually lasts so small amount of time that shooter can't see any difference between two. Duration of the blast is only like 0.0015 seconds and most shooters keep their eyes shut during that time anyway ;)

More trivia: This is slightly difficult to view but comps tend usually push blast to sides leaving line of sight unobstructed - but forward blast still exists though: