High-Speed .357 pictures

What is the best factory load .357 for the brightest and longest muzzle flash?

I am taking some special high-speed evening / night pictures at the range, and would appreciate your input.

Thank you.
Winchester Silvertips used to give great muzzle flash.

Out of my roommate's 2.5" 686, Remington 110gr JHP's give a huge actinic-white fireball and a report and overpressure wave that makes you feel like you're on the deck of the New Jersey during a broadside. ;)
I know what you mean Tamara. The wife just loves to shoot them at night. You think thats bright, you should see them shot out of my Taurus Tracker with the porting. I wouldn't shoot them in a firefight at night. Not sure I would have any personal defense handgun ported due to sight picture blindness at night. My Tracker is my companion outdoors in the wild wilderness in case them there coyotes or 2 legged drug runners wanna get too close. Alot of them down here out in the bush in southern AZ.:D
Remington 125gr JHP.

4" Barrel, just darn impressive.

My friends call them range stoppers, and they have on more than one occassion done that.
If you are loading your own Blue Dot flashes like a naval gun also. I pulled out a .44 mag with a six inch barrel to shoot a doe standing in a field just before dark one evening. When I dropped the hammer a blue-white fire ball sevral feet across came out of the barrel and it looked like I was firing a plasma pistol. After the flash disipated I was blind as a stump. I literally had to feel my way over to see if I had hit the doe. it was several minutes before i could regain any sembalance of twilght vision.