High prices!


New member
Today I stopped b my favorite Pawn Shop to look at their BP for sale guns. WOW! Prices above $239 for OLD Brassers (?) the guy said the priceswere right he'd gotten em out of books!
I told him I'd only offer $80 for his best Braser an old .36 ASM not worth even that!
He was asking $40 over Cabelas current prices for a '58 Remmie!
Greed will keep those in the cases and it serves him right!
I noted his Powder guns were priced about right.
He had no BP experience and really didn't have a clue!
I tried to explain some stuff but it fell on deaf ears.
Just goes to show ya, that you need to be informed when shoppin around.
I still don't have one, but this is where smart phones can come in handy. Just punch up Cabela's or whoever and show them when you make your offer.

I ran in to the same thing a year ago at a pawn shop in AZ . . . prices on used BP stuff was more than you could buy it new. Prices on new and used cartridge was more than new as well. I was looking at a Ruger (new) that I could have gone down the road a ways and paid $55 less for the same handgun at Sportsmans Warehouse. I makes a person scratch their head for sure . . .

it makes you wonder on the brasiers you're talking about what he had in them . . . there is always someone who will come along and pay the price due to ignorance of the value . . . but I've been going to one shop in AZ where the same handguns have been in the case for three years that I know of. It's their business of course but I was in business for a lot of years where "turnover" was everything to keep the cash flow going . . .