High-Power problems?


New member
I'm looking for guidance on whether to get a Browning High-Power Mark III in .40 S&W. It's had accuracy and trigger jobs plus a BarSto barrel placed by Alpha Precision. I'm told it's a tackdriver. Should I be concerned about the durability? Any other comments would also be appreciated. I've fired BHP's but never owned one. Thanks.

NRA member
Hello. I, too, have a MkIII HP in .40S&W. Mine has been lightly customized, but has the original factory bbl. While I much prefer the nine in the HP, this gun shoots fine with loads it likes, but not so tightly with loads it doesn't. In my admittedly limited experience with forties as I don't care for them, I find them very load-dependent upon what will group really well and what doesn't.
Having said that, nothing I've fired would be
too "inaccurate" for defensive purposes. In my particular case, even though Mec-Gar makes the Browning magazines, replacements under the Mec-Gar name do NOT work in my HP. I must use the Browning magazine made by them!
The reason is that they have different followers. As to wear, I've noted no undue wear and no parts breakage, etc after about 2500 rounds. Best.
Got the same gun and must be lucky because it digests all that I put in it. Have had it for several years with no problems. The only thing it doesn't like is is a weak wrist. Mine does hang up when shot in that manner.

I would get the HP

The best weapon for self defense is the one you have when the need arises!