High capacity magazines


New member
I had the opportunity to go to a local gunshow today. I have been kicking around the idea of buying a hi-cap magazine for the Glock 19 I will carry concealed. After seeing the prices I am not sure if it is worth it. They ranged from $80 to $100. How important is that extra five shots? What opinions do you have as to why or why not I should buy a high-cap magazine.
Forget it! I'd rather pass on those magazines (and take a trip to Europe to buy some cheaper). Opps, Sorry Customs. Seriously, when a price of a magazine becomes so outrageous, it's hard to justify the money spent. Buying ammo and practicing more would be better. Also let's hope that the magazine ban expires and these Klintonite abortions become a novelty.
I have a bunch of guns with hi-caps, for which I average about 80 bucks per mag. While I'm not sure most people can justify having at least 3-5 hi-caps for each gun, I would definately say that you can justify at least one for an everyday carry gun. Is your life worth 90 bucks for a 15 rounder? Mine is!
i passed on a 12 round "hicap"/"normal cap" mag for my 229 Sig today. reason...$135.00 each!!

i do not support the mag laws but.....if you can not get the job done in 10 rounds...drop the mag and slam in another one. if it an'it over in twenty rounds maybe you really needed a rifle anyway.

really if you are talking going from 10 to 15 rounds.... maybe... but $135.00 for two extra rounds PPPLLLEEEAAASSSEE.
"STANDARD" Capacity

As has been mentioned often on TFL, let's not buy into the aint-gun lingo by referring to these as "hi-caps". They are really "standard caps" because that's what the gun was designed around. These newfangled, articially limited magazines are "reduced caps".
I am not to keen on the prices; I guess one(whatever they are called) for the gun and 10-rounders for back-up would work. Depends on how much disposable income you have?
I have been lucky so far with my standard capacity magazines. I own a Ruger P-89 for which, mags are around $20, 30 round mags are also available for it which I use in my PC-9 carbine but could use them in the pistol if I wanted. I buy mags for my Hi-Power for less than $20 (17+1). I just bought a Glock 17 the other day and was appalled at what they want for a normal capacity magazine. I got on the phone and started calling my friends. I found four on the first call for $20/each. I try to own six magazines for each gun I buy. Look around, don't jump into anything, you just might stumble into something.
Just my thoughts...........

If you carry a gun carry as many bullets as you possibly can, both in the gun and on your person.
I would have at least one standard capacity mag for ccw or home defense. Shop around on the internet and you can find on for a better price.
If I were carrying the gun, then I would likely spring for at least two of the STANDARD mags for it. One to keep in the gun, of course, and one to to rotate with it. This is debabable, but I think it only makes sense sense to do this once in a while. As far as the price goes, do shop around a bit before you spring for them. That seems a bit high.
Just buy them....

In my area the 19 Hi-Caps go for around $85 a piece....I say buyem'...Its only money....and you only live once....You can always sell them for more or what you payed for them....Just do it dont be scared :)
Another reason for choosing standard mags over reduced...

I have three 15 rounders for my Glock 19. The used 19 came with one 15 rounder and I have since bought three more. I didn't keep the NDF one I bought, though.

Yesterday at the range, I was reloading mags for another Glock 19 shooter who was shooting in an IDPA classifer (we reloaded mags and speedloaders for each other to help the shoot go faster). He had only 10 round mags.

Frankly, I cannot possibly get 10 rounds in one of those 10 rounds mags with only my bare hands. The last two rounds are incredibly hard to get in, impossible really. I found that was true on all three or four of his mags. I *had* to use the plastic mag loader thing. Even this man who owned the mags cannot load them full with his bare hands.

I can get 14 in my 15 round mags with my bare hands and most of the time now I can get the 15th round in.

Hence, I like my 15 rounders simply from a convenience standpoint. Are they worth nearly $100 each? I think so. I wouldn't sell them!
