High capacity gun from Texas, transfered to Cali


Is it legal to, having lived in Texas, transfer my p226 high capacity pistol to California? I am wondering because I love my gun, and I've had it since my dad bought it for me a year ago.
You can bring the pistol when you move to CA - they have a form you can fill out to make sure the CA bureacracy knows about you and your firearm - but you will need to leave your magazines in another state, or disassemble them if they hold more than 10 rounds.

http://www.calguns.net is a good place to start reading about the ins & outs of gun ownership in CA.

Many people who move here buy all of the off-roster pistols they can (e.g., not on the "CA approved" list) before relocating because you can bring your pre-owned guns in as a new CA resident, but you won't be able to buy any more. Two examples might be, say, a Ruger LCP or a Gen 4 Glock.
I would check http://calguns.org/ to make sure. The CA regulations can be confusing and you have to be aware of the official interpretations made since the law was passed. Calguns can point you to the latest and best info. My SIL used to live in CA and his AR15 was ugly as sin and neutered, almost. He had a G19 with 10-rd mags.

IIRC, you can transfer your guns into CA as long as they are on the "tested for your safety" list. And you can only OWN 10-rd mags I believe.

My brain quietly asks rhetorically, "Why on earth would you leave TX for CA?!?!!?!"
You can't officially transport standard-capacity mags if they happen to be able to store above 10-rounds, but you can transport or sell every single part you would need to repair/replace existing mags...People often do this with all the parts: they are commonly described as mag repair kits.

As for guns not on the list...that only applies to new guns being bought for the first time in a store or from out of state. If you have off-roster guns you legally owned from another state and give up your national citizenship to become an official Kalifornia state resident, you can keep what you own, but are supposed to register them. In fact you can then sell them through an FFL to other second-class citizens, known as Kalifornia residents. And now there is something called "single-shot exemptions" people are doing to legally acquire off-roster guns.

If you do join our subservient populace, let me know if you ever wish to sell any off-roster guns.
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Thanks a lot everyone, I guess I'll just sell my mags and buy some new California approved clips. BTW, the reason I'm leaving Texas, is due to family issues. Plus I miss the beach. Can't say I miss much else about it though.
I just got back from Dallas, I was actually happy to get back to NJ. :rolleyes:

Texas has decent gun laws but they can keep the rest of the state ;) . Instead of building overpass over overpass they might want to put in a decent rail system.

NJ has the same problem as cali, except I think out magazine limit is 15. Anything bigger than that and you need to sell it before moving here... Not that the police are likely to raid the place to look for it when you move here, but if your caught it isn't pleasant.
A further point: it is not technically illegal to own standard capacity mags of over 10-rounds...you just can't import them. It is a legal technicality though. I'm not sure if you could be jammed up for them or not if somehow it is discovered that you possess ones for a gun manufactured after 2000. And even if you were, for guns that existed before the 2000 cut-off, your 10+ round mags could be fully modern because the bodies were replaced after the original ones wore out, so...

I wouldn't sell the mags you own. Disassemble them and bring the parts so that you have them for replacing broken parts. Go to Calguns.net and ask there just to be sure. They will definitely have a definitive answer and you will find this site to be extremely excellent.