High and left?


New member
I'm a righty who has become a consistent high and left shooter. I'm using printable targets on a 8 1/2 by 11 sheet. My groupings are consistent from the top left portion of the outer ring to the upper left corner of the paper.

The odd part is that if I shoot one handed, right or left handed, I'm mostly within the circles of the target. The grouping is much wider and I have some fliers, but I put most of the rounds in the circle. Shooting in the 5 - 7 yard range.

When I first started shooting last fall, I was a typical low and left shooter.
“Doc, it hurts my left arm when I do this...”
“Don’t do that.”

My humorous response is to tell to to shave a little off your right arm and left leg in small increments!

Point of aim varies based on your grip and shooting stance. I shoot one handed and allign my hips so that as my arm returns from first recoil, the point of aim is correct in the left/right direction. Shuffle your feet a tiny bit, it makes a difference.

Take aim, close your eyes, raise your arm a foot and lower it. With eyes closed, aim at the target. Open your eyes. If you are off to the left or right, move your left foot a tiny bit and repeat.

I think the Army Marksmansip Manual calls that “finding your natural stance.”