Hiding In Plain Sight - A Very Cool Idea


New member
A friend of mine emailed me a link to this and it is a very cool idea for hiding firearms in plain sight. I've thought about a safe, but I think I like this idea a little better. It obviously has no fire protection, but other than that I think it is quite a bit nicer than having a safe. Does anyone have anything like this? And, if so, did you make it or are they available form a retailer?

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I posted this video about a week ago.

Awesome all around!

They custom make and fit any type of furniture for around 1k, shipped in pieces.
Very cool!

Maybe I didn't watch carefully enough, but I didn't see any information on who makes or sells those. Where would one find such a shelf?
Might work...might not.

I have been burgled twice. Each time the burglars tossed my entire house. Pretty much everything was moved, touched or dumped. Shelves were tipped, beds overturned, clothes in drawers and closets strewn on the floor. Even the refrigerator was dumped over both times...not sure why.

My point is that I am pretty sure that any guns hidden inside that bookcase would make a uncharacteristic racket if it were tipped over. My bet is that the racket would give pause to a burglar who would likely investigate further.
The piece in the video is $3500. A person could get a really nice AMSEC BF, or Sturdy Safe for $3500. With a lot more room inside it and good fire resistance. $3500 is also half way or a little more to having a TL-15, or TL-30 gun safe. Only true safe opening professionals can get into one of those. Bolting safes to the floor is what keeps thieves from carrying them off. Having a monitored alarm system and insurance doesn't hurt either.
The one and only advantage that bookcase has over a safe is that the weapons are readily and rapidly accessible. I don't see the wife allowing me to keep a 800lb safe in the living room with us.
The piece in the video is $3500.

While I'm sure that $3,500 is not out of line for a custom piece of furniture it's far outside of anything I could spend. I wish that I still had access to a full wood shop like I used to be. I'm a fair woodworker and would just build one myself.
If this were to gain any appreciable popularity, it would no longer be effective. Burglars get wise to hiding places like that pretty quickly. They may all be lowlifes, but a good percentage of them aren't completely stupid.
Generally speaking IMO if one can afford the 3500 custom furniture, they've got way more expensive stuff in there than guns. Also, the guns inside said piece of furniture would be your "common" guns. By common I mean not collectors prices. The big money guns i'd still keep in a safe.