Hide and Seek with the kids


New member
So a couple nights ago, I armed all five of my little boys with rubber-band guns and told them to go hide in our front rooms, with the lights off. My honey armed himself with a flashlight and went to seek them out; they were instructed to shoot him as soon as they were able after he emerged from the master bedroom looking for them.

Out of 10 rounds of the game, honey died every time. Apparently clearing a house in the dark really is 'looking for someone to kill you.'

Me, I stayed in the bedroom and read a book. I already knew the odds were hopeless.


If you make every game a life and death proposition, you're going to have problems. For one thing, you'll be dead a lot. -- Dean Smith
Excellent, excellent, very very good idea. You are to be commended for this one, Pax!

If you don't have kids, shooting buddies with airsoft guns would also work. ;)

- Chris
Way to go

Good on you, Pax. Setting the groundwork for our future

Since I only have one child I waited until she was 12 (legal age to go to the indoor range), took her to the range with my Ruger MK II and she is now 16 and my shooting buddy. I just believe in raising my daughter to be a responsible citizen as do you.
Yup, losing scenario, but a blast for the kids. Definately a winner idea!

Recently I went to a park as a leader/chaperon to supervise a game of spotlight tag. The kids soon found it was too light (street lights and full moon) to effectively play it and changed into a game of Kick-the-can. After a bit they challenged the adults to team up and play agains the kids - we accepted. The rest of the night was spent showing the kids that old age and treachery can beat youth and exuberance when really goaded on. We didn't win every game, but won thier respect and friendship. 'Twas fun too. :cool:

Youth, whether your own or a community group, are worth the investment.
The real advantage of the hide'n seek game was that we found a bunch of places where a BG could hide in our living room. Sure, kids can get into smaller places than adults can -- but one of the more effective things they did was simply crouch behind the coffee table, motionless, until he came close enough to shoot at. There's a bad little corner right there.

The worst spot is just outside the bedroom door, in the hallway. There are four different doorways facing our bedroom door; that's a lot of danger points to clear. We've made it worse by having a large wardrobe in the hallway too -- easy to get on top of or behind, so adds one more danger point to an already impossible area.

It really was amazing, all the places they found to hide in. Scary enough to think about, too.

Now the thing I'm having some difficulty with is that my kids sleep upstairs and we sleep downstairs. If there's a bump in the night, crash of broken window or whatever -- how the heck do I get to their hallway from my room? :confused: I've got to go through the very worst danger spot in the whole house in order to get there, and that really isn't something I want to do.


The most important thing that parents can teach their children is how to get along without them. -- Frank A. Clark
It's also important for the children to have their own plan in case of a BG invasion.

In many cases children will RUN straight to their parents when they hear a strange noise in the night. Sometimes they will even run to their parents when they hear their parents screaming in fright.

Children should be taught that their first priority is themselves. Since a parents first priority is the safety of their children, the children need to make that job easier by having a plan. All those little spots they can get in to can be part of their plan. ie; a place to hide where the BG would not easily find them even with the lights on.

A possible escape route if that is an option. Out through a window and to the neighbors house or if located rurally they should have an outside "safespot". Parents should be aware of exactly where these spots are for their children better enabling the parents to check on the well-being of their children.

A child's second concern of course then is the safety of their parents. Unless they are strong and able enough to affect the outcome of the BG's invasion they should attempt to get help in whatever way help is available. (I heard of a story where a ten year old chased off a BG by throwing rocks through the windows once the child had run out of the house.)

In any case, whether help is available or not, the children should know to stay away or hidden if possible and pay close attention to any sights, sounds and other details that will assist investigators later.

The older child is generally the natural group leader but there should be a second (if more than two children) who also knows the steps to take to put into effect whatever plan the family devises for their children if found in such danger.