Chris in va,
No ignorance in the asking, ignorance prevails without questions. As Benjamin Franklin once said— the doorstep to the temple of wisdom is knowledge of our own ignorance.
I can say that we [not] enjoy one of the strictest gun law, besides California or New York. Anyone that complies with ATF’s basic rules can have a gun license. Yes, a license, and that is not the problem, which is, the great expenses one has to bear.
We have a Gun License with three categories: Sport target shooting, hunting and concealed carry. One has to file a petition with the State police, pay a fee of $150, three sworn statements from person that have known you for at least three years or so; family not included. Non alimony debtor, no taxes due, (that proves you are no criminal), and a good standing certificate issued by the Police.
If you comply with ATF’s rules, in 120 day you have your license, but only for target shooting and hunting. If you want a CC permit (no open carry allowed unless police, security services, etc.), you have to file a petition with the State Court, which includes sworn statements by three witnesses that also have to go to court with you and subjected to the deputy attorney general to interview them. Pay some $1,500 hard cash. After 30 days and if the judges decides in your favor, then you pay an additional $60 green ones for the resolution papers.
With those you go to Main Police Station, and register the resolution of the court and ask for a change in category which is done on the spot. From that time on you get to concealed carry.
That is basically the procedure to get to use a firearm; reloading is another matter…. For that one you need an Explosives license from the Police and so and so which includes monthly inspections for, say, 5 pounds of smokeless powder; you may have more but have to insure the premises against accidents.
Then comes the Law, which as we write, is under revision in the appellate circuit. Have, along with some other 800’s plaintiffs asking to be declared unconstitutional under the Second Amendment as interpreted in McDonald v. Chicago and District of Columbia v. Heller.
With all those burdens one can live, but the restrictions of law and our own geographical restrictions are the real pains in the pants.
Cannot get ammo smokeless powder thru the mail services, nor USPS, Fedex or UPS, and that is a real pain.
To add insult to injury, some companies will not do business with Puerto Rico, many of them (here comes true ignorance), just do not know where is Puerto Rico or what we are. Many think that we are some place unknown, some uncharted territory like the Amazonian jungle with monkeys al around the place.
True, once I was talking t some gun shop, and the guy asked me if I can get a monkey for him. But, there are those that excel in everything, like the guy with the G and his sons; great business. And there is the Department of State that does not allow a battery manufactured in Puerto Rico be sold in Puerto Rico but can be sent to communist China; That I can’t understand, but as Ol’ blue eyes once sang— That’s life!! At least in the Tropics