Hi-Standard .357


New member
A friend has a Hi-Standard .357 Sentry III revolver that "spits" hot lead at him after 50 or so rounds. He asked me what was wrong; I said I didn't know. Subsequently, at the gun shop, I mentioned this problem. The salesguy told me about timing the cylinder to be set right for firing, etc., but then surprised me by saying, "the Hi-Standard .357 is a piece of junk and not worth fixing."

Is this true? Should I tell my friend not to bother?
Woodit. My stepson has a High Standard just like the one you are talking about. They were made by Dan Wesson for High Standard, and I've never heard anyone say Dan Wessons were junk. BTW. My stepsons doen't spit, so just find a gunsmith who can fix the timing and live happily ever after.
Paul B.
Hmmm... Sounds as if the dealer with whom I spoke has some personal beef with Dan Wesson. Thanks.

Of course, since AG Reilly's gun-grabber "consumer protection" regs, most new semi-autos cannot be sold in MA, meaning that revolvers are now being sold big-time.