Hi-Point Safe To Carry With Loaded Chamber??
This has often bothered me with various striker fired pistols.
Look at parts 17 or 18 and 5, depending on the parts view picture.
They might act like a firing pin block??
Standard CYA lawyer speak found in every owner's manual."For your safety, and that of others, we strongly recommend that you do not store, carry, or handle this, or any other firearm with a cartridge in the barrel until you are ready to shoot."
Who wants to pack one in the pipe if the safety is nothing more than a trigger block? jd
So those who insist on carrying "one up the pipe" and believe the gun designers protect them may well be under an illusion.
Doesn't this issue go back to MOSTLY issues with external hammers? That isn't an issue here.I am of the firm opinion that those same advances improve the .40 (and .45) as well.