Hey you're "printing" . . .

Prof Young

New member
Worked a charity event today. Noticed that a colleague, who is also a gun enthusiast, was "printing." Didn't really have the opportunity to privately tell him, and to the uneducated, it probably wan't that noticeable. Will mention it next time I see him when other ears are not around. Not really a big deal but made me wonder about the social norms. Do you tell someone they are "printing?"

Live well, be safe
Prof Young
I have seen it a couple of times. Once in a restaurant a guy was wearing a full size 1911 under a thin light colored tech shirt. He was sitting in front of a large window, and the sun backlit him enough that I probably could have read the serial number had I been a bit closer. His disregard for Illinois law made me a little nervous. He may have been law enforcement of some sort, and perfectly within his legal rights, but if you are wearing a concealed gun it ought to be concealed. I just watched him a little closer as a result. I really think it depends on where you are. Some places it may not be a big deal, but it is not a good in any public place IMO. If it is someone I know I would definitely say something; if not, no way.
His disregard for Illinois law made me a little nervous.

If memory serves me, the instructor of my Illinois CCL class told us that there is no law against printing in Illinois. Just not a wise thing to allow. But, I could be wrong here.
He may have been law enforcement of some sort, and perfectly within his legal rights, but if you are wearing a concealed gun it ought to be concealed.

Oh man, don't visit states like KY or AZ. You'd probably have a panic attack.:rolleyes:
Do you tell someone they are "printing?"

Comes down to the scenario. If I lived somewhere where it printing could get one in trouble or was in a situation where printing would cause a disturbance, then probably yes. But for the most part, printing is not a big deal, especially if it's only identified by fellow gun enthusiasts. It's also an issue of what your intentions are, kinda like when someone has "one of those" hangin' off their nose. Some folks will discretely tell the person in an attempt to not embarrass them, while another will announce it out loud for the sole purpose of embarrassing them or in some way in an effort to show some form of superiority. The there are those that will let them walk around all day with it just hangin' there and snicker behind their back about it.
I live in an OC state (though I hardly ever OC). I use to stress about printing, but I don't really care anymore. I am plain clothes LEO and CCW almost everywhere I go. No one outside of law enforcement ever notices even if I throw a Sig P220 under a thin T-shirt that isn't so loose fitting anymore. I even have idiots doing credit card and check fraud in front of me at the store while in line to check out, and I'm printing worse than Xerox. Its generally my experience that no one pays any attention.

If you live somewhere where you could get in trouble for printing... Then obviously be careful. I can't imagine living somewhere like that... Where accidentally bending over and your pistol peeks out could lead to legal consequences
It is usually only noticeable when you know the person that is carrying.

As long as my gun is covered, no one will notice. I've seen open carriers that don't get noticed. People don't take long hard stares at men's waistlines.

Early on, I worried about printing, no longer.
Joe citizen doesn't look for it but a perp may seriously look and he's a serious problem !
Here in NYS it must be concealed .The exception is during hunting season. In my rural area this morning a hunter was open carrying. He said he had it for a back-up and for coyotes. BTW the ever increasing coyote/wolf crosses run to 90 lbs !
I'll always carry concealed otherwise I might have to tell the " little old ladies " to get lost ! :p
No, ‘printing’ isn’t a big deal.

Provided the person ‘printing’ doesn’t care about coming off as someone clueless and careless who doesn’t understand how to carry a concealed firearm.
No, I don't point out others. Just like I don't need anyone pointing out my gun in a semi concealed or OC condition.

Stevie Wonder could see my Blackhawk under just a shirt. You might see what could possibly be a Glock bulge someday if your looking for it. You will not notice the LCP in my boot.

MYOB and remember - guns are normal and safe.

The exception would be a brother in arms in an area where he faced legal consequences for a printing / peeking gun. Then a discreet "hey brotha" would probably be appreciated.
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To me it's about the same social norm as when you would/would not tell a guy his fly is unzipped. If I'm somewhere where it's just me and my close friend, I'd say something. If I'm at a social event and the person is just an acquaintance then I don't make it my business.
...... in an effort to show some form of superiority.

Didn't take long.;)

No, ‘printing’ isn’t a big deal.

Provided the person ‘printing’ doesn’t care about coming off as someone clueless and careless who doesn’t understand how to carry a concealed firearm.

As has been said, to the majority of folks "printing" isn't a big deal. Open Carry is legal in my state and it is common to see folks in my area doing it. I OC often myself many times with my 1911 in a shoulder holster. Sometimes I will throw on a vest or open shirt jacket with the idea of keeping warm and not concealing the weapon. It's amazing the amount of snarky remarks I get about "printing" from folks with the above opinion, when they get a glance at my weapon.

I doubt if any of us, even the author of the post I quoted, has not printed while CWCing at one time or another. Again, if the scenario is about safety. legality and or just keeping the little old ladies from freaking out, then tell the person discretely. If it's because you think the person is "someone clueless and careless who doesn’t understand how to carry a concealed firearm." and you think they need your superior intellect with a "hey bud!", and you are looking to make it a big deal, odds are, you should just walk away.
Noticed that a colleague, who is also a gun enthusiast, was "printing."

If you know the guy then you should tell him. If it was me, I would want to know... Especially considering the event
"Do you tell someone they are "printing?"

I don't think that walking up to some stranger and informing him that his gun is noticeable is necessarily a good idea. He could be a sloppy bank robber, or murderer. :eek: