New member
I learned it during training, but I haven't had the green light to kill on behalf of the Red, White, and Blue for a while, so I can't remember where it is.

Thanks for the help, and don't ask where I learned it because, if I tell you, I'll just have to get the answer from somebody else and use it on YOU.....
an ascended master knows 14 ways to kill a man using only an muffin...if an ascended master ain't handy, using the index finger to trigger the release of the conveniently suspended anvil would be the best bet...:D
I am deeply disappointed in both of you! You forgot all the training I worked so hard to instill in you.

Go to your desks and write one hundred time:

Align sights with chest, gently squeeze trigger, repeat as necessary!

Use pencil and paper! I hope you get writer's cramp you bad boys!!!

Doc Hudson :rolleyes:
Ninja Death Touch Point: Two inches to the inside of the proper application point of the Vulcan nerve pinch.....
Heart Stop Death Touch.

There is a spot in the middle of the foot, that when properly stimulated, will stop the heart.

However, the hard part is getting the other person on the ground with their shoes and socks off.

Here's howya do it............
Umm, if you massage the neck where you normally take a pulse no enough, it's suppose to stop the heart, but don't ask me if it's true, never tried it
Unmitigated horse hockey. The idea was to trick the body into believing that your stroking hands were the pulse pumping through the neck. Right...told to me by the same folks who explained that spicey food could get them out of DUI.
There are a number of "nerve-pressure" spots all over the body that can produce extreme pain or some degree of immobilization.

However, they are very small and are very, very difficult to hit properly in a real fight when bodies are moving fast and hard.

For that reason alone, I find nerve strikes to be "neat" for demonstrations, but ineffective for real fights.

One of the surest way of producing something close to death in a fight is a type of choke that crushes the larynx. It is definitely something that one ought not to use lightly (as a "safer" alternative of a carotid compression exists).

Skorzeny... good to see you around.

I have not really seen any of the nerve strikes you speak of, even in demos, but I have seen the still pictures of Dillman et al. in the usual magazines. Question: do you think that these strikes could be made from positions like north/south, mounted, etc. with proper trapping of an arm?

Just wondering... some early MMA competitions allowed groin strikes, yet forbade "pressure point or nerve strikes." Could be an interesting new approach to teach such strikes in conjunction with superior grappling positions where the receiver is less apt to squirm about.
There are some places to hit to kill. However, it usually takes a great amount of training to be able to do it. Power and being able to make the force of the blow penetrate enough are the key factors involved. Specialized training such as Iron Palm and Poison Hand aide in the use of such techniques.
Tuite or similar is generally reserved for masters. Of course, they "cheat" so to speak by applying control and joint manipulation, to slow the opponent down enough to apply the coup de grace.

Or... is this only a humor thread? :p
Getting hit in one of those spots is akin to getting a live badger dropped in your trousers.. its confusing as hell and you just want it to stop. it hurts a lot too. This is really expert stuff tho.. better to use Gun-Fu to make those nerve bundle hits.

You're probably thinking of the vagus nerve bundles in the neck. In some people, stimulation of these nerves will result in a massive drop in blood pressure, along with some other interesting effects. In some people, particularly those who are in poor health, this drastic drop can trigger a cardiac episode.

This information is from Trivial Pursuit -- The TFL Edition.


Nice to see your posts too!

In my opinionated experience, nerve strikes are not useful unless you are giving a demonstration against a human practice dummy.

Even on the ground, they make very difficult and small targets. In fact, struggling to make them work on the ground may get you to lose your position (North-South, Scarf Hold/Kesa Ketame, cross-body mount, mount, etc.).

I suppose if you have the arm trapped, it will be easier to apply a nerve strike. But, if you have the ground position and have an arm trapped, why not go for a choke, arm lock or punishing strikes with elbows or knees?

BTW, speaking of strikes on the ground, I think that Mario Sperry has the best NHB fighting instructionals that show you how to position yourself to strike effectively on the ground and to use those strikes to set up a finishing submission/joint lock. I guess that's why his are the best-selling NHB fighting instructionals on the net!

I knew a guy in college who would clench his hand into what he called "The Iron Claw". I once saw him threaten a couple of football jocks with "The Iron Claw" and they backed off.

Sometime later, I asked the guy to teach me "The Iron Claw". He admitted that he had NO martial arts training. It was an idea he got watching Kane on "Kung Fu."

While the Ultimate Fighting Championship has a fair amount of BS, it does (or did) offer a forum where if any of this woo-woo stuff really works you can try it out. So far, no takers. A left jab is a left jab, even if you call it "Rainbow Monkey Spanks His Shadow".

On the other hand, I did see a program where some martial artist used "ki" to resist direct chops to the throat.

That was impressive, though I'm not convinced it was not faked.