Hey Utahns. Need some shooting volunteers Thursday the 20th


New member
Hey guys, I'm doing a test of the Houge Compstock Thursday afternoon at about 6:00 at the Gathering Bowl.

Each shooter will be running some 5 shot drills with a regular 870 and a matching compstocked 870. I'll be timing them and collecting the scores. We will be using buckshot or slugs.

If you are interested stop by.

I'd be interested in going. I'm new here, so I don't know what bowl you're talking about. Could someone give me a little help?
Gathering Bowl: by GPS types. North 40 degrees 40.140 minutes.

From Orem, go north to Lehi. Take the main Lehi road west. The road will intersect with State Route 68 (Redwood Road). Go south.

Just stay on State Rte 68 and watch to the West for the road up the hill. Near mile marker 21 1/2. There is a dirt road heading west, and up into the hills.

We will be on top. You will need a 4x4 with some clearance to make it up there. Or if you would like we could arrange to meet you at the bottom and drive you up.

There is another way to the top other than the main dirt road, and I've gotten my car up it, and another TFLer got a minivan up there, but I certainly wouldn't recommend going that way. But if your vehicle has come clearance it is doable. Off to the side of entrance you can see where folks have taken their vehicles up across the hills. This takes you out into the backstop, so start honking as you approach the top! :D
Going up isn't easy. Even with a 4X4.
It woulldn't be too bad if it wastn't for the loose dirt and gravel.

Larry, got the message and I'll be there at 5 tonight. I'll bring it.