Hey Utah TFLers, going shooting this weekend?


New member
Hey everybody. I've got 3 guys who are new to shooting and want to learn, so I'm going out to the Gathering Bowl Saturday morning. Nothing fancy.

Drop by if any of you guys want to do some plinking.
sorry, no can do...

Opening day of deer hunt I always go fishing to
try to stay out of harm's way. Only problem is
lately too many other people have the same idea.
I would like to take a trip out. I'll have to see how fast I can get my Wife's car fixed(brakes).

I'll be down at Lake Powell, otherwise I'd be there.

Bobwest - "out of harm's way"?!? Sad that's how you feel. As a Hunter Ed. Instructor I have access to the hunting accident data and know that the rate of accidental injury for ALL hunting in Utah is down around 5-7/125,000+ hunters. Pretty good odds in my book (though of course the goal is 0!). Had a similar experience/conversation at Tuscany last night.

My work is never done.

I really need to come out. I brought a new "friend" home today.

A Century(Ouch!!) Centurion 58 FAL. It is a little rough(of course, its from our friends at Century), but it does have an Imbel receiver. Sooooo, I need to get out and shoot it!

<<"out of harm's way"?!?>>

My apologies Doug,
you're correct about hunting being a lot safer these days than when 250,000 Utahns took to the hills years ago when I first started hunting.
How to get banned?

Honestly....This board as a whole has become very velous and chase.....I have not posted in month yet the 1st time I did it was locked.....

How do I get blocked from posting.....I sent mail to Rich and I will teel ya....all the boards are funny, Moderator problems everywhere
