Hey Rob! how about a 10/22mag report!


New member
ok Rob, you've have the 10/22mag long enough to form an opinion. what do you think about it???

fiat justitia
I posted this while you were gone. ( i forgot) So, i'll ask again. what's your opinion on it.

fiat justitia
OOOOPs... sorry.

It is great. I have had no problems with it myself. It is just as much fun as a regular 10/22 with two differences:

1.It is a much more viable defensive gun and varmint zapper.. if either are needed.

2.It is much more expensive to shoot.

As a side note, while I was at the DU Festival this past week, I stopped by the Ruger Booth to thank the guy who arranged for me to get my 10/22 mag with no wait and there was a guy there complaining about the gun. The guy said that he was getting several failures to eject per mag. Specifically he said 2-3. The Ruger guys were befuddled, until he said that he was using Winchester Ammo. They claimed that Winchester was toying with the design of their ammo, for reliable function in Semi-Autos. I don't know if this is true or not. I have used CCI and Remington with great success. About 500 rounds of the former and 150 of the latter.

Accuracy has been exceptional. I have a fixed 4x scope on it, and I regularly bounce cans at 75-100 yards.
It is light, can't be much heavier than a stock 10/22 LR (I don't have one to compare it too...), and fun to fire fast.

I give this gun a thumbs up... But I think it should be an addition to a collection already containing a .22lr semi.. not a replacement for one.

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited June 09, 1999).]
thank you sir.
i've been jonesin' for one, but wanted to here a comment from one that owns one before i shelled out the moola. everything i've from people so far has been favorable. thanks again!!

fiat justitia
I think that there may be a design/production problem with the extractor on the 10/22M. Mine would not extract reliably no matter what ammo I used, and I tried them all. Someone else I was corresponding with had the same problem. I had the dealer send it back to Ruger and got it back completely rebuilt within two weeks. Works like a charm now with all brands of ammo, including Winchester Super-X, but gets the best results with CCI 40gr FMJ.
that seemed to be a common problem on alot of 22mag autos in the past. i was hoping that ruger had it licked. maybe they have since they got yours runnin' right...

what me worry? hell yes!!