hey Rich


New member
Ya know how peeved a guy gets when he hears that someone was just in Africa hunting while i had to stay in crummy washingtoon DC and rastle with the Brady-ites and theres no post in the hunting forum describing endless vistas of pointyheaded unglates providing relief from the daily grind of endless "its election season so lets squak about guncontrol even though most of us live in safe neighborhoods and have more to fear from the cars on the beltway"?

'sides that i just realized i passed 7k TFL posts this week

:D :p :D ;) :)

I wasn't going to mention it, but since you took point, I'll jump in and say that I've never been disappointed by photos of deceased exotic fauna and the requisite accompanying tales of heroism. You gonna ante up, Rich? ;)
yeah, dangit... spit it out... (or we'll ALL come visit for a wild-game tasting and beer party, and YOU'll be buying, Rich!)
Eh, wot?

*runs back to the search engine and finds umpteen million posts wherein Rich is said to be going to/be in/have come back from Africa, yet seemed to have missed it completely.*

Well, congrats Rich! Care to pop on over to The Hunt and tell us how it went?
Guys, there's nothing to post really. It was a Mission of Mercy. Basically, the entire hunt was granted to Ashley Emerson who took eight good animals. Both of us exhibited shooting that ranged from depressingly inexplicable to simply brilliant. I actually have no pics, having forgotten both my cameras. Ashley has developed all, but they are not digital.

I shot only three, the two most memorable being:
- A Mountain Reedbuck, lasered at 201 yards, chest thumped and then dropped about 150 yards straight down the side of as mountain to the truck.
- An injured warthog that had 4" of it's spine grenaded by a snap shot from the .50 Alaskan at 60 yards. I LIKE the big .50 and have ordered one. For those of you who fired my light 45-70 lever gun last Turkey Day, that was a pussycat!

Most depressing shot:
- 60 yard shot at a beautiful Nyala the last day in heavy brush. Good sight picture, though high in the chest. Surprise break from the big lever gun. Animal ran off. After an hour of tracking with no blood trail, we returned to the scene of the crime. Ashley found the problem before the Tracker: 25 Yards out there was a perfect 1/2 .50 Cal groove crosswise in a 3/4" branch.
Note to File: Rule Number One of SniperCraft: Clear your Damned muzzle!

Most intriguing shoots:
Ostrich Head Shots! I invented the concept and we had a blast with it. At $500 each, an Ostrich is worh taking just for the boots, briefcases and belts right? But we can hardly shoot a hyperthyroid chicken in the body with a scoped .338. Enter the challenge: Head shots only.

Sounds easy, right? I thought it should be. After two days we were slipping on the spent .338 cases in the bed of the truck. The Ostriches just kept gliding along! Our PH has since decided to drop the $500 price for Ostrich....instead, he's gonna offer them at $100 per shot (heads only). I'm tellin' you guys, it's a scam that only a Carny could appreciate.

Most miserable segment:
Flying home 19 hours, clearing Customs and then getting in my plane to fly 3 more, all with intense sweats, fever and headache. Something bit me there and got progressively worse until diagnosed today as a relatively common type of spotted fever. Dr. says the antibiotics will knock it out. I'm taking no chances and applying much tea laced with cheap Cognac....what headache? :D

Most Exciting Event:
Stopping by LifeForms Taxidermy in Nielspruit (sp) to check the status of last fall's Tanzania trophies and learning that my Eland measures #2 ever taken! Does this mean I finally have to join SCI?

Most uplifting event:
Clearing my guns on return to ATL airport. "No Mr. Customs Officer, I don't have an export permit for either the rifle or the pistol. I'm sick unto death. I just want to go home. Do what you will with my property; we'll deal with that later."
Not only did this Federal Agent pass me thru, he took the time to fill out and sign Export Permits for both and then suggested that I keep them with the guns for next time!!!
Remember guys like that, people. They're a real hope!

Wellnow... I'm glad you enjoyed the hunt... and am sorry to hear you are sick... but...


We gotta hear about these things,as some of us have to stick to the US for hunting, and needta hear about these exotic hunts!

(side note, I AM heading to Colorado in 2 weeks to Elk/MuleDeer, and prarie-dog hunt, but that is STILL "local game"...)