Hey Pohill


New member
You mentioned a 51 Navy Prototype in .40 that's at the Connecticut State Library. I looked but couldn't find a pic of it. You don't happen to know where I can find a pic of said revolver do you?
Was .44 cal 1851 prototypes . Actually I had typed pohill the Library name where the records were kept , cause he lives there. I can't find the thread it was on Hawg..was it here or on the Highroad.

I was on another forum and there's a pic of it in Wilson's book on Colt revolvers. He says the Navy cylinder can only be bored to .40, that's why the 60 Army has a stepped cylinder. So there still was never a 51 navy in .44:p:D
He says the Navy cylinder can only be bored to .40, that's why the 60 Army has a stepped cylinder. So there still was never a 51 navy in .44
Hawg it(barrel)was bored to a .40 caliber and a .44 is a .40 caliber.:rolleyes:
The cylinder(.44 same as the now 1860) was made with the rebate in it and the frames were stepped. The cylinder,stepped frame,and bored barrel were the Proto type Hawg and it still exists in the same museum.(((whew)))

You may be right. I dunno, never saw it, never heard of it til the other day but the guys that have seen pics of it say it looks just like a .36 Navy with Ivory grips, no stepped cylinder.
Ok Hawg, I haven't been to the museum and seen it either jus' going by what I'm told. But a .40 cal protoype exists we both give it that much correct? Then wit would be a Nay .36 cylinder therefore an 1851 Navy prototype in .40cal. So why hang the Italian Mfg for making a replica of it in .40cal but with a .44 rebated cylinder and a rebated frame? More than just Cabelas made them...check gunbrokr. So I say let it rest as a repro rendition of an 1851 Navy Repro prototype .40 cal that went into production in Italy...:cool:
Let the shooters that like the 1851 Navy enjoy it as such the same way as the brass framed Revs for a .040" differance . It was a good Idea to make the Navy for the .36 cal & .44cal shooters. Let poeple enjoy what they have for God sake. Just my opinion other's may vary:cool:

Let the shooters that like the 1851 Navy enjoy it as such the same way as the brass framed Revs for a .040" differance . It was a good Idea to make the Navy for the .36 cal & .44cal shooters. Let poeple enjoy what they have for God sake. Just my opinion other's may vary

Well, the only reason I started this thread was because somebody over at SASS had never heard of it either and I thought Pohill might know where a pic was that I could take back to SASS. I said it was a .40 because every reference I've found to it said it was a .40 and not a .44. You're the one jumped back in it correcting me and keeping it going when you haven't seen the thing either.:rolleyes:
I did not Jump back at you Hawg, you perceived it as such. I reponded to a negative reply which I guess you still don't get.
And It would be a .040" differance not a .40" differance....
Pohill saw it and described it to you, me, and others. I have known him a long time and have no doubt about what he says in here or anywhere.
If you wanna see it buy a ticket and go to Connecticut or believe Pohill.
Fact is the 1851 .44 Navy is Produced in Italy and it's cheaper then a plane ticket and more fun to shoot...Who cares what the Original Prototype looks like or what you wanna call it, at this point the fact is it exists. :cool:

I was on another forum and there's a pic of it in Wilson's book on Colt revolvers. He says the Navy cylinder can only be bored to .40, that's why the 60 Army has a stepped cylinder. So there still was never a 51 navy in .44

Show me the Pic and the forum Hawg:rolleyes:

Not exactly true. I went to the Colt Collections at the Hartford, CT State Library last summer and they
had a bunch of prototypes that Colt designed but never mass produced. One of them was a .44 caliber revolver
with the octagonal barrel and the hinged loading lever of the 1851 Navy. They even had a Dragoon with a top
strap (full framed like a Remington).
If you're ever in the Hartford, CT area, check out this collection. It's free to the public.

We'll both get a ticket and fly to Hartford, Conn. Home of the Colt Factory. If your wrong you pay my fare, if that Colt prototype ain't there I pay your fare. And I'm ready to go anytime you are.

The pic isn't on that forum.I haven't seen a pic. That's what this thread was originally about, remember? One of the guys there said it was in Wilson's book. I believe I stated that previously. I can give you a link to the discussion if you like. I don't doubt the pistol is there. I'm just going by everything I've found in reference to it online says it's a .40. The only places I've seen it referenced as a .44 is here and another forum which you're also a member of BTW. As for flying to CT I'm not going to be flying anywhere anytime soon as I got laid off my job Last week. Maybe after I find another one.

Here's the discussion. http://sassnet.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=103417
Well Hawg, like I also said before we both heard it from the same Person that saw it...I didn't need to look any farther.
That in itself was proof enough for me.

Sorry to hear you got laid off. I will be laid off as soon as I get returned from disability...and Worker's Comp. Freakin' Aerospace B/S. I got a Doc Holiday syndrome, something affected my lungs. Put me in the hospital 2/15/08. Was back to work in a month and back out in 3 weeks. Shortness of breath under load...on O2 and meds for Burnt lungs. Tested for Berylium poisening from 1981-1995)tested negitive so far...Penn State did the testing awaiting UCLA for more. Don't know what caused it all but have now perminant Chronic Broncitus and an Asmatic condition of unknow sources. So I may change my Name to Doc Holiday or John Henry Holiday:D
Good Luck on the job hunting.

I was born with Chronic Bronchitis. Doesn't bother me unless I get a cold but it makes me prone to pneumonia when I do. I got laid off because of diesel fuel prices(trucker). I've got a couple of maybes. Hopefully I'll know something Monday.
I have never had breathing disorder in my Life...until I caught Pnemonia in a Hanger at Edwards AFB in Feb. almost died at the Urent care center door from work. Was very Cold like 15-20F hurt to breath. Quarentined a bout 3days so spent a week in Hospital now I got this and hasn't been deternined why or what. Company(Work Comp) plus my insurance, and the State assisting me.
Drivers always find work don't worry.
Was a Driver when I got recalled to Aerospace.HeeHee!

On the SASSNET forum Only one person there besides you said it wasn't i a book and didn't exist. You din;t post Pohill's findings as he saw tha damn thing in person...that makes a differance...
I will have a talk with these fine gentleman ansd explain the whole story. And make the same offer to the guy with the book..Plane fare bet.

Now you're puttin words in my mouth I didn't say:( I didn't say over there it didn't exist. I said it was in the CT. Library. I DID say it was a .44 at first but changed it to .40 after doing some more searching. Also, I never said it WASN'T in the book. If you'll remember I came here asking Pohill if he knew where I could find a pic of it. As for saying Pohill saw it in person, I thought it irrevelant on that forum. SHEESH! I'm not questioning whether Pohill saw it or not. I firmly believe he did. I'm just questioning the caliber of the dang thing. You're asking me to take the word of someone I don't know. No offense to Pohill but I've seen plenty of guns in museums and a month later couldn't tell you what caliber each one was. One of those guys there has the book and says it was a .40. Two conflicting reports from two people I do not know personally.
It's really not that big a deal but you're making it one.
The CT Colt collection at the State Library is only 10 miles away from me. I haven't been there since I was a kid on a field trip, but I guess that I'll have to go and take a picture of this illusive legendary "missing link" prototype. :rolleyes:
IIRC about 15 - 20 years ago, a bunch of guns were discovered to be missing from the museum's collections. One of the employees was hijacking & selling off the guns illegally. I don't believe they recovered them either, but they were probably guns that were being stored and not on display.
Hopefully I'll make it over there someday soon.
Meanwhile just try to relax for a bit and keep making lots of smoke! :D
I'm not the one trying to disprove anything Hawg you were that's where t started.
I said my piece here, Highroad, and SASS, Voy already knew the facts...and you are the only one keeping it going.
I'm done, don't need the non understanding bs to continue no one else has.

Bio Condios,
