Hey! JosephBoeckner


New member
Get your turkey yet? I went out this morning, saw a jake and five hens. Had wind gusts of 34-45 mph, looked like a scene from "Tumbleweeds Attack". Went home about 10:00 empty handed. There's always tomorrow!

i havent had a chance since last weekend-the toms went into the trees early cus it was overcast-all the hens and some small jakes and toms went right by us-3 flanked us-and stayed about 20 feet away and the big toms were coming about 100 yards away-and they went back itno the trees-they didnt spook i dont think cus the other hens, toms, jakes didnt do anything and they wer really close, i have a big shoot this weekend at our range-long rifles club-18 mi N of hays near plainville-on yocemento road if u know where that is-its our annual spring shoot so we have a trap competiton-black powder competitions-tomahawk and knife throwing-shooting a large civil war cannon replica at barrels on the side of the hill-stuff like that-and a campout and campfire and stuff-fun fun fun :)-i should be able to go a few more times this season-hopefully will get one

on sunday we were going to go earlier than we had been-4:30 and then it was too nasty out-all this fog and wind and rain and mist so we stayed home-the turkeys werent coming out of thier trees anyway

Went out again today, not so much as a gobble. Leaving for Texas in the morning - spur of the moment thing. Limit; 4 turkey and all the feral hog you care to shoot.
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They can't outlaw puns, I have a medical condition.

I am an invertabrate punster.

SPINELESSLY unable to resist a pun!

My WI Turkey tags are for May 1-5. Will try to post, but I fly to Texas on May5, so it might take some time to post.

sweet i just got back from our spring shoot at our long rifles club, i took a shotgun devision, got 3rd in aggrigate (blackpowder, tomahawk, and knife throwing scores combined) and 1st in tomahawk score and knife score and had alot of fun-all day and stayed over night sat and sunday most of the day

it was alot of fun and they had a table that people and organizations donated stuff for prizes-like if u placed in stuff they call off the first blackpowder aggrigate scores in the divisions and then 2nd etc etc for all the stuff-and the first thing i grabbed was a nice piece of leather that was about 3.5x1.5 ft rectanglish shape-and then later i grabbed pyrodex,a ball bag, gun rack, etc etc but it was awesome :)-cant wait till next year