Hey Ivan, here's one for ya....

This website has been exposed as a fraud for whatever reason. The technology is ,of coarse, there and will be used,but this website is fake and was exposed a week ago. Dont worry though. Not too much longer.
You can buy ID chips for your pets already. I saw them advertised the last time I was in PetSmart. Sadly enough, stealing pets is big business. Sometimes they sell them to labs for experiments - if they have ID no's tatooed on their ears, they just cut them off.


Would having an ID chip mean I wouldn't have to carry a driver's liscense, credit card, etc? If I didn't have to sit on a wallet, it might save me some lower back pain... ;)
In NSW all dogs and cats now have to be registered and id chips fitted. Actrually only ones born inthe last few months have to have the id chip,. Dogs have been registered here for years of course. Now if someone could actually get my cat into a box and in a car they can give him an id chip.But their car would beripped to bits and they would be covered in scratches and he still getaway.
Maybe they are using our pets to spy on us?
Yep, they beam in microwaves or low frequency RF and the i.d. chip becomes a microphone/transmitter. The only problem is when the cat starts to purr it garbles up the audio. They are currently perfecting (purrfecting?) a purr-filter to clarify the audio.

The canine i.d. chips are audio affected by dogs chewing on nylabones and crunchy biscuits. The chew-audio-filter has been a complete failure.

So, keep your cats purring and your dogs chewing.

Yeah, but ostriches and emus are dangerous. One kick from an irate emu can put a Poor! Innocent! Child! in orbit.

Now, no one is proposing that emus be banned. Heaven (or whatever) forbid, you have the right to own whatever homicidally insane fowl you want. We just want reasonable restrictions on who can own emus, how many emus one may own, and where one may own his registered emus.

If no one had emus, no one would be kicked to death by these Evil Assault Birds. Don't you agree that We Must Do Something About This Terrible Epidemic Of Violence?

Man, this is getting too easy...

"Taking a long view of history, we may say that
anyone who lays down his arms deserves whatever he gets."
--Jeff Cooper
Took a look at the IDchip web site.
Here are the requirements to qualify.

Pretty Funny!

To qualify you must be:

-a resident of Montana
-born before 1915
-be employed as an civil engineer
-work in the insurance industry
-earn $10,000 or less
-and have an indifferent attitude toward implantation.
-must be asian
-must have the last name of Rothschild