Hey, It's My New P64!


New member
Found one of these in Prescott at a pawn shop a few weeks ago and ended up not buying it. It was $50.00 more than I paid for this P64 but it was in much better shape, although this one isn't bad. I am looking forward to experiencing the horrible DA trigger pull and the supposedly nasty recoil ;-) This is a pretty cool little gun, the bore looks like new and the workmanship seems to be excellent.




I've got several of these little gems.

Wolff springs offers 17, 18, 19, and 20 pound hammer springs. I replaced all of mine with 18 pound springs and the trigger is vastly improved. I probably could have gone to 17 pounds, but oh well.

DA triggers are now good, on par with a standard revolver DA. And SA trigger is light and crisp.

If you are mildly mechanically inclined, the fix is mildly challenging. I watched a few Youtube videos and then tackled the project. You just need a screwdriver, a couple small paperclips, and a set of vice grips.

When dealing with springs and small parts, make sure you do your work inside a large plastic bag so the spring doesn't get lost if it launches across the room, or doesn't put your eye out!
I am going to shoot it first but thank you for the information, I may go that route if the trigger bugs me too much. Then again, it's a C&R plinker to me, not a target gun so we'll see.
I agree Doc, I am pretty excited to try this one out. I have to say, I will not be bothered too much if it is snappy and has some recoil, I kind of like guns that recoil. I have my Mosins and Mausers, they have nice recoil and then I was crazy enough to buy a 10" barrel 12ga. AOW. Three inch magnum 00 buck is pretty fun through it. Excess recoil can be obnoxious but for a few rounds, it can be pretty fun too.
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For some...including me....it is an emotional experience.

I like full loads of BP cartridges because of the emotion.

To feel it in you hand, or for a rifle, the sore shoulder.

I don't know how it could be better.
You were lucky in that you got one with the flat panel left side grip. Most came with the thumb-rest grip. While that thumb rest might make it more pleasant for some people to shoot, it really interferes with carrying the pistol. I swapped mine out for a flat panel soon after buying and I'm glad I did - but finding the flat panel was tough. They are kind of scarce.
That's interesting Doyle, thanks for the education. I was completely unaware that that was a thing with the P64, guess I did luck out.
You were lucky in that you got one with the flat panel left side grip. Most came with the thumb-rest grip.

I've never seen one with stock grips that had anything but a flat panel left side. Sure you aren't talking about another type of gun? If not, I'm double lucky because the two P64s I have came to me with flat plain grips just like Capy's.
I've never seen one with stock grips that had anything but a flat panel left side. Sure you aren't talking about another type of gun? If not, I'm double lucky because the two P64s I have came to me with flat plain grips just like Capy's.


Google "P-64 thumb rest grip" and you'll see what I'm talking about. It appears that they were added to the P-64 during the importation process before they were changed to C&R eligible. Apparantly, having the thumb rest added enough "points" to make them importable.
I am going to shoot it first but thank you for the information, I may go that route if the trigger bugs me too much. Then again, it's a C&R plinker to me, not a target gun so we'll see.

Suit yourself. But keep in mind that a $10 (parts plus shipping) part and 1/2 hour installation will take your pistol from "I don't really care for it and don't like to shoot it," to "hey, this trigger is pretty good, and I would definitely consider carrying this little gem."

The P64 seems to have 3 drawbacks.
Trigger - fixable for about $10 spring
Caliber - good hollowpoints are available (I feel that's about the minimum for SD).
Heal mag release - can train to use it well
The Wolff spring set is en route. HPs? I may try some but not sure if I will carry this pistol IF I get my CCW (In California, it is on again/off again with the Peruta ruling).
I've been so much on the fence between one of them, or the P-83 (not C&R, but still a "competitor"...)

Seems the 9mm Mak ammo is available again; I had shelved the desire to get one of these because it had been all but unavailable until now.