Hey, It's My New CZ50!


New member
I have wanted one of these ever since I came across one is an Arizona pawn store last Fall. The owner would not sell it to me on account of I was from California. We always want what we cannot have. It's dirty, I just unpacked it and there is some considerable holster wear but the bore looks like new and this gun has some nice character. My CZ82 is a favorite so hopefully this one will be as much fun once I go through it and get it to the range.



Spare CZ50/70 magazines for these are like Gold, they go for about $50.00 to $60.00 on GB, if you can even find one. I ordered a spare new magazine from Triple K, hopefully it will function as well as the factory mag.




One word of caution: The safeties on these work just the opposite of a lot of traditional frame-mounted safeties. If you are going to carry this for self-defense/CCW, make sure that you are 110% familiar with how the safety operates.
I picked up two of these in 1988 when the Augsburg Germany rod and gun club was selling them for $75. I got one for me and one to bring back for my dad. Both were stolen from my packout when I transferred back to the states. Wish I had them now. No import marks.