Hey, I have an idea

And rewrite our laws. I suggest we condense all entire body of law, including the Ten Commandments (sorry Big Guy) to one word: "Don't!" If you did, you're guilty.

More seriously, crime should not be a rewarding career and prisons should be prisons, not correctional centers. They're not going to correct anything unless:

1) the individual wants to go straight and
2) there is a massive infusion of money to ensure that the economic opportunities exists for them to go straight.

Ha! for the most part on the first point and Ha Ha! on the second.

A new penal colony, like Anartica sounds good.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt

Do you know what those criminals would do to the poor, innocent penguins?

I'd suggest the moon. Make 'em build their own biodomes. And if there was a prison break, BFD.
I think prisons should be required to be self-sufficient. Prisoners should WORK at LEAST 8 hours a day providing for their own existence. As things are, the rest of us have to not only provide for the existence of ourselves and our families, but we have to also pay for these losers CABLE TV!
Kodiac--good idea! But will the government go for it? After all, it might cut out all those other bans our leaders think we need.
I think we should use torture. Instead of getting 25 years of boredom, you get 25 months of sheer hell. I imagine that overcrowding would be resolved in a matter of a year or two. Computers could control the actual torture so that you wouldn't have to employ vast numbers of sadist. I pretty much guarantee that ex-felons wouldn't want to go back.

While it would be cruel, after it was done for a while, it wouldn't be unusual. Nothing disfiguring or permanently injurious would occur, of course.
Destructo6 when you say cruel but nothing disfiguring or permanantly injurious do you mean something along the lines of being forced to view nude photos of Janet Reno?


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Gunslinger. That would be cruel and unusual punishment. That is a violation of the Constitution. Oh hell, the politicians violate it all the time. We might as well too.
Paul B
I have a better Idea. Why don't we pay Mexico to take and house all of our prisoners? I'm sure they would be willing and could do it for just pennies on the dollar for that we are currently paying. Might be more of a deterent as everyone knows about jails in Mexico. Also we could afford to keep a lot more behind bars for a lot longer.

1) Great name, neighbor!
2) Comal County Sheriff has his inmates gardening! They raise most of their own vegetables. Good idea, I believe.
3) I'd be a little nervous letting the inmates do metal-working...


[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited June 12, 1999).]
The Seminoles Indians of Okla. had a great idea on how to handle criminals.
First offense, BG tied to whipping tree and given 25 across the back with a green hickory limb.
Second offense, same thing but 50 across the back.
Third offense, BG tied to shooting tree,paper heart placed over BG's heart.
Five Marshals,four blanks and one live round.
Some of the old ideas still have merit.

Keep the Faith and the Constitution