While I heartily support the NRA and applaud their actions at every opportunity... I sincerely believe the organization has lost touch with its members and has become a de facto lawyer organization with no ties to hunters, shooters, or home owners that use firearms. Instead the organization, in order to preserve gun rights, has become a lobbying lawyer entity...
That may be fine to preserve gun rights, but what about member rights. I suppose I am not phrasing this correctly but... what does the NRA do for me? I know they send me my window sticker or baseball hat, and they send me a magazine, but what will they do for me if I am arrested for carrying a concealed weapon? Any help there? Will the NRA help me find open unposted land so I can hunt with my son? Will the NRA provide financial assistance so I can buy a good over/under shotgun to go trap shooting? See where I am getting at... what does the NRA do for me?
As I said, I fully support the NRA but as a members organization it does little. That is a big problem and is the main reason I let my membership lapse...