Hey bowhunters


New member
My buddy got a crossbow and I was very impressed, so much so that I got a bow. But I'm very new to bows. What kind of broadheads do you use? I have absolutely no preference and I'm open to suggestion. Also what do you like to do stalk, ground blindn or a treestand?
Also what are your pins set at? I was thinking 10 20 and 30 yards seeing as I'm new. Any thoughts? Thanks for reading.
A word of advice, you'll find that many bow hunters are very opinionated about their equipment, to put it mildly lol.

I've used Rage 2-blade broadheads on a few deer with very good results, and am now (eagerly) waiting to try out some Slick Trick Magnums. Really the biggest thing about broadheads for me is how well they fly compared to practice tips. The truth is that there are a LOT of perfectly functional broadheads out there, so there are a lot of choices that you can try. Make sure they're accurate, make sure they're sharp, and make sure you can put them where they need to go. ;)

I've tried all three methods you asked about, but only had success with the bow out of a tree stand. Getting up high makes it less likely that the deer will see you draw the bow. The ground blind sort of accomplishes this as well, but I just don't spend much time inside of one. Personal preference.

Lastly, I only use 2 pins on my bows. One set up for close range shots, which basically means point blank out to about 35 yards or so; and one set up for long range shots, which for me is anything outside of 35 yards. I've never needed my long range pin while hunting, I'm patient enough to wait for the closer range shots. Many people prefer the multiple pin set-up, I just find it a little cluttered personally.

What ever you choose to do, make sure you practice, practice, and practice some more. Good luck and have fun :)
Yea what he said!! We do tend to be very opinionated 'bout our "stuff":D For me, I really like the Montec G5. What got me started on those was several friends of mine used them to bag a few elk. After shooting them, their report was that they could have used them om another right away; no nicks and sharp as ever.
For sights, I shoot a single pin adjustable sight made by HHA. I also do not like a bunch of pins, and since I am addicted to shooting rather long distances, a single pin makes more sense than stacking 7 pins! I enjoy shooting far because after shooting quite a bit at 80 yards, 40 seems like you can reach out and touch your target:) Plus it gives me a good feeling to shoot a 4-6 inch group at 80!
When I archery hunt, I hunt in stands exclusively. I like the way it lets me see more deer. I use a climber, and like to be 25+ feet up. One thing to keep in mind if you are this high, you might want to aim slightly high if a deer is close. My brother shot a buck this year; he was 25 ft up and the deer was 15 yards out. He forgot to hold a bit high, and made a poor shot. Took 6 + hours to find that deer:(
Last of all, shooting a bow is like a lot of other things! What sets the great apart from the average, is 10,000 hrs of practice! I enjoy the practice almost as much as the hunt!
Just like with a gun, what matters is what you hit, not how big of a hole you cut.

Accuracy matters, nothing else.

The most accurate broadhead on the market is the Slick Trick.

Cutting diameter is misunderstood and manipulated. Measure the total cutting area of a Slick Trick against the supposed "massive" cut of a Rage or similar 2 blade.... you'll be surprised.
I used to shoot target archery for well over 20 years. Two state championships, a few 3rds and 4ths. Won first flight of the Great Lakes Sectional. Took 17th at the nationals (was 7th after the first day but mis-set my sight on an 80 yard walkup). Shot 41 perfect 300's (avg 55 x's) one winter and shot pro for Bear archery one year (only won one money shoot). Taught 3 state champions.

#1 get that bow tuned with a good arrow rest. Shoot through paper to get a round hole.

#2 learn how to shoot with back tension (not arms) and squeezing the release trigger if you use one. Relaxed hands a must.

#3 Practice practice practice practice and then practice some more. I see too many wounded deer running around with arrows stuck in their butt.
I use crimson talon,100 grain broadheads and a 3 pin sight set at 15,25, and 35 yards. I use both treestands and groundblinds,(both natural and manmade) and have had good success with both. Most important thing, is to PRACTICE WITH THE BROADHEADS YOU WILL HUNT WITH! I have seen far too many people practice with field tips and then just choose broadheads without actually shooting them in there bow. Good luck to you.

Ps. I am sure you will come to love bowhunting.
I got a bow. I have a 3 pin sight from fuse, a whisker bisket rest and a truglo release. The bow shop I bought my bow from has a 20 yard range and a have 4 free range trips so im thinking about setting up at 10 and 20 while I'm at the range and setting up at 30 once I feel I am proficient at 20.
I got a bow. I have a 3 pin sight from fuse, a whisker bisket rest and a truglo release. The bow shop I bought my bow from has a 20 yard range and a have 4 free range trips so im thinking about setting up at 10 and 20 while I'm at the range and setting up at 30 once I feel I am proficient at 20.

I wouldn't both with a 10yrd pin in all honesty....20 should be fine for your first pin..If you notice most any setup with be dead on or VERY close at 10yrd using a 20 pin....For my hunting setup I use 3 pins(25,35,and 43 yrds)...I aim for the center mass of the vital area...With my arrow speed(mid 280fps) my 25pin keeps me in a 6in circle out to 30yrds,My 35pin covers 30-40 and my 43pin covers me out to 45..For shots beyond 45 out to say 50 I would hold a few inches above the deers spine...The bottom pins is set to a sight tape on a slider frame for longer range shooting off season.,..Its sounds complicated,but its actaully REALLY simple......I cant claim any harvest with this method,so all I can claim is accuracy on target....
I'll second the Montec G5 broad-head. I prefer fixed to mechanical just for simplicity, and the G5's seem to work great; they're extremely durable, and are relatively easy to resharpen when they need it. Also, they have almost exactly the same poi as a field point, so I don't really have to re sight my bow in for hunting season.
I also personally prefer a single pin sight. All my shots are within 35-40yds, so I zero it at 30, and just aim a little high or low.
Lastly, I greatly prefer a "hindsight" rear sight to a peep in the string. It never wanders up or down, and - for me - it allows a much faster sight picture. Apparently people who've used a peep for a long time can have some trouble adjusting, but if you're just starting I think it might be the best $35 you put into your set up.
This is broadhead I use



Sights 5 pin


Bow not the long draw model

Learned lot the last couple years. Haven't taken anything with bow closest got to elk was 124yds. this next year 2013 hope I get draw for buck tag also get elk tag and we plan on full 30 days archery season.

I agree with warbirdlover getting bow tuned right is first thing to do and good shop will handle adjustment that you may need as you gain more experience. I sure didn't start out shooting the Pro Hunter arrows and when I got the matrix this year I start seeing what a better bow and arrows can help with accuracy and I move from 50yd to 60yd real quick and been doing little at 70yds

It's all about practice and yardage and I was pretty good at 20yd before I got serious shooting further and maybe I shot one two arrow at 30yd got back to 20 than move back to 30 and I did that to 60yds took about year and 1/2 do that. I sure won't pass on good 60yd shot if I had the chance. My wife got her deer at 53yd thru heart this year she is shoot shuttle T 100gr broadhead.

We go fishing up high country shoot blocks and bows got with us and I'm lucky got range as house and got 3D deer targets and I'm expanding yardage to 80yd now not that I take a shot hunting.

We've met lot of nice friendly bow hunters and target shooters been very encouraging but we've shown pretty good interest also in wanting to learn. Couple guy who work at the shop are pro staff for Hoyt also Mathews and some are very active in Colorado Bowhunters Assn and some put on match like Vegas 450 league and 3D also have some National ranking shooter that shoot in some of the leagues. Hoyt been pretty active in the wounded warrior program and archery shop given teams free access to practice and other things.

We plan on going to a senior match in Utah this spring and maybe to Louisville,KY and maybe to Las Vegas in Feb for a match. I have no illusion at 70 that I be national ranking archery match shooter but we enjoying it.
here goes

broadheads- I am not a fan of the various expandable heads. If something "has to happen" before the head cuts its best, I don't want it. Why? One less thing to go wrong. The new wave expndable heads are pushed heavily, and some of the videos show awesome wounds, but I'm still not buying.

I like a vintage, fixed blade, resharpenable head, but I am a relic. The various 3 and 4 blade replaceable models on the market allow anybody to hunt with supersharp heads that have good reputations for toughness and accuracy. Consider the Thunderhead and the Muzzy as good examples. Oh I shoot a Bear Razorhead, but hardly anybody else does these days.

Treestands- I am a tree stand hunter, mostly from climbers. I have killed exactly one deer from the ground on a stalk. During tornado conditions and a howling wind. And I missed the first time. The deer ran closer (the little buck heard the arrow hit beyond him and ran away from it, back towards me!) and second shot I did not miss. I have had very poor luck with deer and ground blinds, and got picked off enough I stopped using one.

Pins- Depends alot on how fast and flat your bow is shooting. A slow rig may need 10-20-30 yd pins. A faster rig may do well with 20-30-40 as mentioned. I hunted my Dads bow for a while with a very light draw weight, as that's how he had it. That set up needed 10-20-30 as the arrow trajectory was pretty arched. Currently both my hunting bows (whitetails only) are using single pins set at 20 yds. They shoot hard enough that I can hold under or over a bit for ranges either side and I am still good.
My average kill shot is 14 yds. THis years deer (we're still hunting, no the only one I hope) was a 8 yds.
I find I do not really need long range pins for my location and style of hunting.

Finally, I think the Biscuit is a great hunting rest. Tough and consistent, no moving parts, again, less to go wrong. My only complaint against the Bsicuit was that it could be loud on the draw with aluminum arrows. I finally switched to very slick finished carbon arrows (told you I was a relic!) and carbon seems to draw very quietly.

I love rifles and shooting in general, but bowhunting whitetails is an absolute passion of mine. I hope you enjoy it as much.

BTW a great vintage bowhuntng video was "Bowhunting October Whitetails" and some of it was likely shot in NC. Barry Wensell and Rick Blase.
I talked to a guy online that hunts squirrels during the off season. He figures that if he can nail that size of a target at 20 yards consistently, 30 yards shots on deer are easy. But, as has been said, practice, practice, practice. Buck fever will still be a factor though!