

New member
Since HeviShot seems to be hard on your shotgun barrel and choke, I don't think I will use it. Don't you have to have a different type of choke, anyway?
It seems like a good option to have in your HD shotgun, though. I don't know how deep it penetrates at close range like 12 feet. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
HeviShot is just that - HEAVY! It's actually heavier than lead and would probably completely penetrate a man at 12 feet, not a good choice for HD. HeviShot will be fine in any shotgun/choke proofed for steel shot. Because it is heavier than lead, the recoil will be harder using the same size shot.
over-rated and over-priced. Defnately better and less-expensive rounds available for home defense.

not sure on the price but Hornady came out with TAP (tactical application) rounds for all the popular rifle, handgun and shotgun defense weapons. Can't verify how good they are because I haven't had the chance to shoot them.

www.cheaperthandirt.com also has Rubber buckshot if thatis something you'd be interested in. :cool:
Hevishot is definetly not overrated when it comes to a hunting shell. It plain tears junk up. It is prohibitively expensive however. In a home defense situation, it would not be needed since you can use lead.