Heston speech

Better yet, go to www.nralive.com and select the speech from the Archive News area, and you can WATCH and LISTEN to it - belive me, its even better when you hear it straight from the charismatic horse's mouth!

(There are TWO Heston speeches, both good - the Cultural War speech was 2/19/99)

[This message has been edited by Morgan (edited March 16, 1999).]
Thank you too! I didn't know we could do that!
Awesome! (<-- Sound of old technophobe trying to learn!)
I just took the time to download the realplayer and watch old Moses give his speeches. Wonderful. Well presented. I know see why he is the head man of the NRA. Think I will send them another humble donation not only for all their services, but for providing such a great website of information...

Thaddeus: My chief beef with the NRA is that they're highly selective in the information they provide to the membership. No, I'm not talking about firearms stuff; I'm talking about internal NRA politics. I attended the NRA's last convention, in Philidephia, and what I saw there was chilling. Knox attacked from the podium, and the mike cut off when he tried to respond. (And they only gave him the mike in the first place because a portion of the audience was on the verge of riot.) Not one issue he raised was addressed; Instead nothing but ad homnium attacks on him! Somebody even got taken down with a sleeper hold at the board meeting, by the President's bodyguards! And the worst part of it? If all you knew about NRA business was what get's published in the publications, you'd know nothing about those events; I'd call The Rifleman the gun lobby's Pravda, if it weren't for the fact that Pravda at least acknowleged that dissidents EXISTED. Hmm. Perhaps this calls for a new topic?
Mr. Bellmore: That is very interesting. I have heard that Neal Knox has been feeding info to the antis because of his hatred for the NRA.
Ursus: Yes, I believe that was one of the ad homniums I saw in fliers being distributed at the convention. "His hatred for the NRA" is a bit questionable; Knox was actually one of the leaders in the Cincinati "revolt" which turned the NRA into a political lobby. He doesn't hate the NRA, but he does have big problems with the way it's being run of late. You know, like candidate ratings which don't accurately reflect the records of candidates, mass mailings which apparently have VERY low rates of return, stuff like that.
When one has been around long enough, and has heard what Neal has to say(publicly and privately), current leadership starts looking REAl GOOD......
Well, maybe in a relative sense, certainly not an absolute sense. Even a crackpot can have valid complaints; I went to that convention expecting the leadership to address the points Knox had raised, and was perfectly prepared to be persuaded that he was wrong. What bothers me is that they didn't may any effort at all to respond to ANYTHING he had been saying! They just personally smeared him, kept him from responding to the smears, and left it at that! You know, there's a big, big difference between unity, and a flat refusal to acknowlege the existance of dissent.
Your comment about Pravda reminded me of this:
In the days of the ole Soviet Union, there were two major newspapers, Pravda
(Truth) and Izvestiya (News). The joke at the time among my Russian teachers

There is no news in the “Truth”, and there is no truth in the “News”. (So it’s
funnier in Russian. OK??? :) )

Maybe, as I infer from Brett’s posts, more of us should attend the NRA public
meetings, conventions, etc. and learn what “really” is going on inside the NRA
behemoth.. Until then, whom do we support? If we waste or divvy up our
resources we lose. (I don’t even know if there IS an answer to this one...)
Dennis: Even aside from the NRA business meetings, I could recomend attending the convention; The displays from various manufacturers are worth the trip by themselves.
Anyone coming to the convention in Denver, please e-mail me at jlmorga@netzero.net. I'll probably be working the convention, but would love to meet anyone who visits.