Heston on Larry King tonight


Staff Alumnus
Tonight at 9pm EST, Charlie is one of Larry King's guests (CNN). Here's hoping he puts in a good word for us :).

Bullets and primers and hot brass a-flying;
Goblins in my house all screaming and crying;
Nineteen-elevens and scope-mounting rings;
These are a few of my favorite things...
I got $1 says he doesn't make one pro-gun statement.

He's on to discuss the Academy Awards.

He was on CNBC last week for a non-gun reason and he didn't even mention the NRA.

Oh, Rob,
I'd take your buck (you have so many - I have so few) but it would be like takin' candy from a baby.
A terrrrrible thing to do on Saint Patrick's Day.

(The son of a gun BETTER make a pro-gun related statement now that I've smarted off!)
Don't get me wrong, I HOPE I am wrong...

It'd be worth a buck to get a pro-gun statement on Larry King.. Hell, I'm paying $50 to make a pro-gun statement in the USA Today!

Not only has the NRA not been mentioned yet, but Chucky is vehementaly defending a rat-fink. He is defending a McCarthyism communist informant on the grounds that he was fighting communism.. when it seems pretty clear that the guy testified and turned over the names of his former pals to save himself.

Makes me wonder what Heston would do with the NRA Membership list....


Unless I missed something.... I've got a marker. Anyody else see the program?

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited March 17, 1999).]
Oh, yeah, go ahead! "Anybody else see the program??" <sounds of feigned innocence!!>
Just because you don't like the older generation, right away "Chucky" is a McCarthy-era tyrant! Oh, sure! Uh, huh! Right! Now you wanna tie me down with a "marker" I never gave! Boy, I tell ya. e-mail follows!!!

Seriously, Mr. Heston is at his best when he is on a pro-gun rant.. I just didn't care for the rant he was on tonight. I'm sure I could rationalize his view.. but I'd rather not. It suits my purpose to be cynical tonight. ;)

Keep the buck... better yet, find 49 friends for it and send them to FOUP.
