Heston ,Nugent, and Liddy on Politically Incorrect Tonight!!


New member
I'll try to check it out, but I got a final tommarow(Spring Semester) and 1 a.m. is a little late. Just posting for to inform people it is on tonight. Any short reports would be appreciated.

Be a statistic.
thanks for the heads up, It should be quite an interesting show. Hopefully they'll beat the crap out of bill mahr.

I gotta say we won this one, Heston was "on the ball" compared to other interviews of his I've seen. Nugent, whenever I hear his voice it reminds me of his radio show, Oh why did he have to retive from that, he does ALL of his research and is hard to beat in an argument. It was definetly worth the loss of sleep. Gotta get up in 6.5 hours to take a final and I can't wait to hit the pillow.

Be a statistic.
Ive tried listening to this but I have to turn it off....I get too pissed, that liberal that runs the show and his assine comments, and that comedian,,,elaine boosler or what ever her name is.........and were represented by charlton heston who cannot remember that there are 10 items in the bill of rights and not 12 as were originally proposed...I like c. Heston, but he does not need to be in a debate, liddy is ineffective unless he controls the medium of the debate, and nugent well he's there..(I know these guys are on our side, but dont we have anything better?)..........maybe im just too cynical and I know im tired of getting beat up over the last 8 years by these antis,,,,but I want a little of my own back
I want to drive a stake through the collective antis heart somehow...and these folks arent gonna do it.....if only this was a simplier time when dueling was an option.....fubsy.
I sort of agree with you about Heston, it seems that all he is good for is being the figurehead, but I think Nugent is one of our better allies. He seemed like he was trying to hold back quite a bit from his usual self.
You lose out on a lot of info/entertainment if you get pissed and turn on Sportscenter, you got to realize that any point we make is worth more in the face of a political opponent than on a the All Guns and Rights Show(unfortunatly a show I just made up) where the only people listening/watching are people who already agree with the issues at hand.
I think everyone here would agree that Bill Mahr is clearly not one of the good guys. This guy calles himself a conservative, you got to be kidding?

Be a statistic.
I must have seen a different show. The one I saw was about 20 minutes of commercials interspersed with five people continually interrupting each other. Heston did take control for a short period, but it didn't last long and his point was lost.
Bill Mahr is undeniably clever, and sometimes even amusing, but he lost me with his RABID support for PETA, when he was quoted as saying,"When people tell me that their grandmother would have died but for animal research, I say 'Fine. Let her die.' Why is your grandmother's life more important than a rabbit's or a dog's?" This man may be clever with a joke, but his vantage point is definitely warped.

When we can't agree that a human's life is more important than a lab animal's, we're going to disagree on a lot of things; the world is a diferent place to him than it is to you and me.

Heston would do well to stay away from this type of venue-- it's an ambush, and NOT his forte. No criticism of the man, just truth. He made his living for 50 years giving eloquent, emotional, pre-rehearsed soliloques. Asking the man to suddenly become a heads-up fast-response specialist is a little unreasonable. Ask him what he believes, and don't interupt. That, however, is NOT what Politically Incorrect is all about.

Liddy and Nugent are better at this forum because they make their living at it. (Nugent now admits it's his day job.)

[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited June 29, 1999).]
I don't believe that Mahr believes or thinks any of the things he says. He relies on the shock value of his statements and doesn't actualy have a *position* on a subject. He knows no facts nor cares about them. His sole line of thinking is to go for the laugh with no regard for what, if any, impact those statements might make. All he wants is to be viewed as being *cute*.
I at least take *some* comfort in the fact that I can not believe that many people would actually take him seriously. Anyone that did would be just a shallow as he is.
A lab rat does make a larger contribution to society then he does.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
I thought it sucked. Elayne Boosler couldn't shout her big mouth and was hysterical. here are a few snippits:

she wouldn't shoot someone that was raping her.

She also said that 13 kids die very day in schools to gun violence.

A littleton tragedy everyday was another.

Where do you people live, they come to my house with casseroles not guns.

the gun industry is the only unregulated product in America.

when Liddy said that there were 20,000 laws already BOOZHEAD said, you're probably not counting them and most of the laws are for zoning of guns.

When Heston finally got the 'floor" and said that over 6,000 kids between 14 & 17 were caught with guns at schools, Clinton has only prosecuted 13 of them. Boozhead said, well there all dead, then Nugent,Heston & Liddy said not none of them are dead. Then she said that they were prosecuted and that I don't know where you get your numbers but mine are different.

Bill Mahr said that "we" pro 2nd Amendment people treat it [2nd Amend.]like it was a Commandment. That we can change the Amendments for what is needed now.

Sorry but my blood pressure must have been over 300 last night and I couldn't post till this morning, I should know better to watch a game being played in an uneven playing field.

Elayne Boosler & Bill Mahr need to feel the wrath of Law Abiding gun owners. If anyone knows how/where to find e-mail adresses for these close minded Klinton sheeple please post it maybe in a new thread.

i like the way Heston got command of the 80 percent of americans want gun control thread and flipped it to
That is wrong Bill
A minority think that more laws would have any effect. The majority think we have enough gun laws today.

There was too much AK47 joking and Boosler proved she was very uninformed when she spoke about buying AK47 machine guns. There was a brief mention by Heston, of Chinese smuggling of weapons to the US black market.

Liddy made some great yardage on his speech about criminals wanting disarmed americans and how the lawless aquire illegal guns.

I watched it last night. I don't know if you have ever seen Boozlers comedy act, but the way she trashes men, I can believer she would shoot her rapist. Probably the only way she gets any.
OH! OH! Nasty man! Picking on poor Elayne like that. Sorry folks. Anti-gunners get absolutely no quarter from me.
Paul B.
Bill: But, 80% of Americans think we need more gun control.

Charlton: Actually, that's not true.
That is not a true statement, with respect.

Ted: I've seen the gallup polls, as well.
If the question is asked, "Do you think there should be more guns on the street,"
everybody goes no.
And they go, "Well, they want gun control."
Well, that's not the question that the gallup poll and the "Time" poll and the
"Newsweek" poll ask.
They ask if you think law-abiding citizens should have access to weapons to deter
And the answer was yes.

Charlton: That's correct.
By more than 80%.