Hero Nominations


New member
I guess we really are on the other side of the looking glass, but my RKBA heroes for this week are Beto O'Rourke and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. Mr. O'Rourke did us great service by quashing the old, "Nobody is going to take your guns" mantra but good. And San Fran...Wayne LaPierre owes each of them a new suit.

Of course the other side gets their share. They are toasting that mook who marched through his local WalMart in his wannabe battle gear.

"We have met the enemy, and he is us." (Pogo)

Anybody that puts on a uniform and goes in harms way for the benefit of others gets my vote, LE, Fire, EMS, military, security. Other courageous acts surface by those not "on the job", and of course are owed their due, I just can't bring any to name just now. The guy that took on the TX church shooter certainly is another. So too the teachers acting to save students in the school tragedies.

Sports heroes.......forget it. Talented, dedicated, but not "heroes". The clowns walking about in tac gear with black rifles...fools....., lucky they didn't get shot on the spot. We had one locally in my little town that strolled into the diner with an AK......known goofball.....scared the devil out of the clientele, with so many CCW's in our area, don't see how he didn't get shot either. All folks like that need evaluated for mental state and suitability for ownership of firearm, especially in wake of recent tragedies.

Personal heros: Churchill, TR Roosevelt, Basillone (or any other MOH winner)
ligonierbill said:
Mr. O'Rourke did us great service by quashing the old, "Nobody is going to take your guns" mantra but good.


Robert Francis O'Rourke said:
Hell yes we are going to take your AR15, your AK47.

I confess I didn't hear that quote live; my record player wasn't on.
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Hands (The president's nickname for him) did say it and was very animated with his gestures. We can't give an inch to any of those candidates and it does us harm with the NRA's issues (real or perceived).
Hands (The president's nickname for him) did say it and was very animated with his gestures. We can't give an inch to any of those candidates and it does us harm with the NRA's issues (real or perceived).
He suggested he would favor expanding background check laws to cover private gun sales; banning so-called bump stocks that make semi-automatic weapons fire bullets faster; and outlawing assault weapons like the AR-15 that was reportedly used in the Florida massacre.

I know a 'poll' but...
Most Republicans would support legislation banning assault-style weapons, a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll found Wednesday — a finding that contradicts President Donald Trump's claim earlier the same day that there's "no political appetite" for such restrictions.
The poll found that nearly 70 percent of all voters would back such a ban.
GOP Congressman Brian Mast is calling for a ban on assault weapons.
but Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio), the former Dayton mayor, says he now backs a ban on military-style weapons, and Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), who is training with the Air National Guard this week, said he supports "banning certain high capacity magazines, like the 100-round drum the Dayton shooter used."
Rep. Pete King (R-NY) has signed onto the Assault Weapons Ban Act of 2019, which was first introduced in February by Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI). He is the first Republican to sign onto this legislation, New York Daily News reported.
Most Republicans would support legislation banning assault-style weapons, a new POLITICO

I wouldn't trust the anti-Semitic head trustee of the LBJ museum (Robert Albrittion) if he told us the sun were rising tomorrow. In fact I would likely get out there in the morning just to check.
LOL! Not to any of us here in his home state of Ohio!

Everyone here knows all too well he's just playing the part of being "red" - underneath, he's true "blue".

(& also) he's an orifice in a donkey) ;)
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You do realize that the articles refer back to the same Politico Poll? Not blaming you but repeating the same lie over and over does not make it true.
To imply that some members of the GOP, both in government and among the voting public, do not support UBC, RFL and AWB is being naive.
To imply that some members of the GOP, both in government and among the voting public, do not support UBC, RFL and AWB is being naive.

Is it "many" or is it "some"? Asking for a friend.

Neither changes my contention that Politico is an unreliable "news" source with an agenda that reads more like an op-ed blog for the far left.
Is it "many" or is it "some"? Asking for a friend.

Neither changes my contention that Politico is an unreliable "news" source with an agenda that reads more like an op-ed blog for the far left.
Many or some doesn't equal none..is the point..It's not a zero sum game, 'us vs them'...
Voters prioritize protecting citizens from gun violence over protecting the rights of gun owners. And while majorities support a variety of gun control proposals, the latest Fox News poll also finds doubt Congress will act -- or that it would make any difference if it does.
By a 13-point margin, voters consider protecting against gun violence more important than protecting gun rights (53-40 percent).
In addition, there’s substantial support for specific measures to reduce gun violence, including: requiring criminal background checks on all gun buyers (91 percent), requiring mental health checks on all gun buyers (84 percent), raising the age to buy all guns to 21 (72 percent), putting armed guards in schools (69 percent), and banning assault rifles and semi-automatic weapons (60 percent).

The only poll that matters is the one we have every couple years in November.

"Polls say.." sounds impressive, but what does it actually mean? In many cases, NOTHING, other than the way the people who were asked, answered.

We act as if a "poll" is somehow a magic, representative sample of the whole, and its NOT. It CANNOT BE, the way we do polls.

How many people were asked? WHAT were they asked? (and I mean what were the exact questions, and what were the allowable responses??)

I am reminded of a cartoon from the early 70s, a poll taker asks the question, "if the election were held tomorrow, who would you vote for? A) Santa Claus B) The Easter Bunney, C) Richard M. Nixon..."

WHAT the questions are, and what the allowed answers are MATTER. Asking 1,000 people a loaded question and then acting as if that is the true opinion of over 330 MILLION Americans, is just insane. But we do it, constantly.

Scraping a gram of concrete dust from the Empire State Building does NOT tell you accurately what the building is made of. OR anything about the people inside.

A teaspoon of water from NY harbor does not give an accurate representation of the entirety of the Atlantic Ocean. Etc, Etc.

Add to this the fact that in any anonymous poll, some people will LIE.

I knew a fellow, and old farmer, about at political as a rock. Somehow,he got on the list to be called, and asked about how he felt about the job the President was doing. (this was during the Clinton years but I think it still applies, perhaps, even more so...) They called him every couple months.

Since he didn't care, he told them he was fine with the job the Pres was doing. After a year or so, he decided, just to see what happened, to tell them something different. The next time they called, he told them he was unhappy with the job the Pres was doing.

They never called him again....

Every time I hear anyone saying how "X % of Americans" support something, (not X % of people polled but X % of Americans or Voters) I know its crap.

Some politician claiming we have to do something because 70/80/ whatever percent of the people favor it, when in fact not even ONE percent of the people were asked simply is not the truth.

Don't accept it as a fact chiseled in stone handed down from on high. IT's not.