Heritage Arms SA ?


New member
While window shopping today I saw a case full of Heritage Arms SA .22s in LR and magnum. They were blue, had various barrel lengths, and some had a birds head grip. They wanted $175 for them. Anyone familar with the average price and quality of one of these ? I haven't heard much about them.
They're mediocre quality, but they do work.

Odd thing is, they have a manually activated safety! It works like a manually operated hammer block - in other words, safety on and hammer down, you have to do a two-step to fire: cock it, and flick the safety off. Once the safety is off, there's no additional automatic trigger-connected safety so ya better not drop the dang thing.

In theory, you could carry it "cocked and locked" :eek:. I sure wouldn't. It'd be better to leave the safety off and treat it as a five-shot, lowering the hammer on an empty cylinder just like an 1873 Colt.

Other than that plus being a bit ugly, the rep is that they'll shoot OK. But if you can afford one, get a Ruger Single Six convertable (even if used) and don't look back :cool:.