Heritage Arms Rough Rider .22 SA Revolver?


New member
Now that I've figured out what this gun is that I saw advertised, I'd like to hear some opinions from those of you who have seen, handled, or owned one of these guns.

I understand they are chambered for both .22 LR and .22 Magnum via interchangable cylinders. What is the quality like on these guns? Do the fixed sight versions shoot to point of aim with both .22 LR and .22 Mags? How accurate are they? Someone else had posted that Gun Tests gave it a favorable review and that they have Zanac frames. What is a Zanac frame???? Any experience with Heritage Arms customer service?

Anyway, I was thinking of getting a Ruger Single Six, but I saw these Rough Riders advertised in SOG for around $100 and thought they might be worth a look. Would I be better off with a Single Six, or is the Rough Rider worth buying?

Their website is http://www.heritagemfg.com
When I was in the market for a .22 Mag a couple of years ago the gun shop I dealt with had one of these in stock. It felt a little on the light side as far as weight was concerned and I wasn't too impressed with the workmanship. After getting burned on a Hi-Point semi-auto I decided that cost wasn't going to be the sole factor when purchasing a firearm. I opted for the Ruger Single Six with adjustable sights and am glad I did.
I haven't shot one, but handled one at a local shop. I think its probably an ok buy for the price, but it seemed a little crude and cheaply made to me. I bought a Ruger Single Six instead. The Single six is a well made, fine shootin' little pistol. IMHO its worth the extra $$.
My dad loves his. He specifically bought it for a plinker, thinking if it was entirely accurate or reliable that it wasn't a big deal. However, it has quickly become his favorite gun. He's always packing it when he comes out to our property. I'd say he put about 2000 rounds through it this past year. The quality seems fine to me. The Heritage is pretty darn accurate. Dad can hit soda can at 50 paces pretty much every time with fixed sights. I'm not big into revolvers but my dad is and he swears by it. He bought the cheapest version they sell. IIRC, the model without the 22mag cylinder was $89 here. They also had a collector's model which seemed a whole lot prettier and came with a pocket knife. It went for $129 last time I checked. I'd say get it. It's no match gun but it sure is fun to shoot. Dad has relegated it to a camp gun plinker figureing if he drops it or damages it he's only out the $100 for the gun. But as I said he is rarely without it.

Good Luck,

Warm Bore
My friend has one and they shoot well.
You'll not get Walther quality at Wal-mart prices.
They are a fun little gun, but then again, are there any that are not fun??!!??:D