Here's on for one of you ex-Marines

Navy here, not really that interested.

sure it's got history and it was used as a sniper rifle(at least tested for such) in that configuration but all I can see in that picture for some reason is a beat to hell pre 64 winchester hunting rifle in a caliber I already own 3 guns in...

...and I hate redundancy:D
Ooooooooooooooooh! And it's a clover leaf tang, to boot! Why'd you have to do that, Kraig? Don't I already have enough problems without getting kicked out of the house by my wife? ;)

Well, I don't have to worry about accidentally owning that one. 13 bids and it's over $3K.
yes there is, if you no longer get a paycheck from the gubment and no longer carry a military're an Ex-Marine...:D